SEASON 1857-'8,
BALLET (on both Nighte).-LA ESMERALDA. For particulars see Bala A limited number of boxes lathe hall-eircle tier have been specially reserved for the public, and may be bad on application at the /Sox-offtee, at the Theatre, Colonnade, Haymarket.
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. Lessee-lfr. AL,PIILD Wlot, Monday, and daring the week, will be perfenned the New Drama, in Two Acts, called DADDY HARDACRE. Charaeters by Messrs. F. Robeon, G. Vining, G. Cooke, and Leslie; Mesdames Stephens and Haghes. To be followed by the New Drama, by Tom Taylor, Esq. called A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING. TO Conclude with the New Faree of THIEVES ! TIILEVES!
J. Subscribers and the Public are respectfully informed that the FIRST CONCERT will take place at the 'LINOVEIL SQUARE ROOdifi, on Mouse Feemreo Neese the 20th of ArneProgramme Sinfonin in E flat, No. 8, Haydn ; Concerto in D minor, Pianoforte, Miss Arabella Goddard, Mendebsohn ; Overture, Euryanthe, Weber; Sinfonia In D, No. 2, Beethoven ; Concertino, violoncello, en forme Wane scene chuntante, Signor Platte Hummer; Overture, Les Deux Journees, Clherubini. Vocal Performers-Madame Itudersdorff awl Signor Belletti. Conductor, Professor SeemsDALE Jinx sort. To commence at Eight o'clock. Subeeription for the Season, 31. 3s. ; Single Tlekets, 15s. To be bad of Meson. Aemsore, Hotel., and Luc ss, 210, Regent Street.
UNITED KINGDOM, OPEN AT MANCHESTER, MAY 5th, 1857, SEASON-TICKETS, 21. 2.. may be obtained at the Offices Of the Exhibition, 100, Mosley Street, Manchester ; also in London, Mr. SAMS'S, Royal Library, St. James's Street ; 31r. MITCHELL'S Royal Library, New Hoed Street ; LETTS and Co. Royal Exchange; SMITH and Co. 157, Strand ; and at HIRE and SON'S, Church Street, Liverpool.
By order, THOMAS HAMILTON, See. Inquiries as to APARTMENTS may be made from Mr. SAMUEL HADEN, Offices of the Exhibition, 100, Mosley Street, Manchester.
11.ONDON, BRIGHTON, AND SOUTH Li COAST RAILWAY.-Alteration of Trains-Acceleration of Express Train. between London and Hastings, London and Brighton, London and Eastbourne, and london and Portsmouth for the Isle of Wight-General Improvement of Service-Reduction of Farce for Iteture Tickets. New arrangement allowing all Return Ticketa issued between London and Brighton (or for any distance not less than 50 miles) to return on the day aubsequent to that on which they are Wiled. Cheap Return Tickets between London and Brighton every day by fast trains. See May Time Tables and future Advertimements.
London Terminus, 17th April 1857. F. SLIGHT, See.
11. Coninduariat Office, No. 5, New Street, Spring
Gardens, London, 13th April 1867. Notice Is hereby given to all persons desirous of contracting to supply such quantities of BREAD," best seconds," MEAT, anti FORAGE, as may be required for her Majesty's leurd Forces in quarters and barracks, In the counties of Eugland severally, in Wales, in North Benin, in the Isle of Man, and in the Channel Islands, and also, distinctly and separately, for the troops at Aldershott, in the County of Hants, for SIX MONTHS from the 1st of June next, inclusive
That proposals in writing, scaled and marked ins the out side "Tender for Army Supplies," will be received at the Commissariat Office, No. 5, New Street, Spring Gardens, until Fm use, the 1st day of Max KLYid at 12 o'clock, Nears, and no later.
Printed forms of tenders, with the conditions of the several contracts specified, may be obtained on application to the Deputy_Commlasary-General, et his Office, as above, on and after WEDNESDAY, the 224 /NOLOT. No others will be received.
Department of the Comptroller for Victualling, Somerset Pince, 8th April 1837. The Commiasioners for executing the Office uf lord High Admired of the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and irelami, do hereby give Notice, that on Tee aenev, the 23c1 1NET. at 1 o'clock, they will be reedy to treat with such persons as may be willing to Contract for 12 months certain, and Oarther until the expiration of 3 mouths' warning. for CLEANSING BISCUIT-BAGS, HAMMOCKS, and COTS, CLEANSING and REPAIRING BED-CASES, PILLOW-CASES, and BLANKETS. The artielee to be taken by the contractor bomber MoJesty's Yards at, Deptford, and to be returned by him Into More when cleansed and repaired.
The condiUons of the revised contract mar be seen at the said Office. No tender will be received idler 1 o'clock on the da y of treaty, nor any noticed, un lees made on the printed form provided for the purpose, and which may be obtained on application at the said OBI..
Every teuder must be addretaed to the Secretary of the Admiralty, and bear in the left-hand corner the words "Trader for Cleansing Biscuit-Bags, Sc.' and must also be delivered at Somerset Place,
1 has been for many years sanctioned by the most eminent of the Mettle. Profession, as an excellent remedy for Acidities, Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Judi gestlon. As a Mild Aperient, it is admirably adapted for Delicate Females, particularly during Pregnancy ; and it pre rents the Food of Infants from turning sour during digestion. Combined with the Acidulated Lemon Syrup, it forms an Effervescing Aperient Draught, which is highly agreeable and efficacious. Prepared by DINWETOED and Co. Dispensing Chemists, (and General Agents for the Improved Horse-hair Gloves and Belts,) 172, New Bond Street, London, and sold by all respectable chemists throughout the Empire.
HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT and PILLS STILL UNRIVALLED.-John Wenbvton, of Eragingham, Rutland, takes pleasure In inffirming Profeasor Holloway of the happy effeeta he has experienced by the aid of these inestimable remedies. Ice was a suSerer for four years with no ulecreted leg, and repeatedly under medical treatment for the saw without obtaining the slightest alleviation of pain ; having heard of Holloway's Ointment and Pals, he determined to test their virtues; after using them for a time, to Ills utonishment and delight his restoration to health was complete. Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world ; at Professor Horstowex's Hatablishments.244, Strand, London, and 80, Maiden Lane. New Turk; Constantitople; A. Otsotes, BIOLYELE ; and B. lilt-lit, Malta.
The Directors beg to announce that they hare made the following arrangements for the ensuing season.
ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA CONCERTS. The gEASON will COMMENCE on PIODAY, the lot of May 1857, with a GRAND MORNING CONCERT in the Central Transept, by the principal Artistes of the Royal Italian Opera. These Concerts having been honoured last year by such general approbation, the Directors have entered into arrangement with Mr. Dye to give a similar series of Twelve Concerts during the present season.
The grand orchestra of the Royal Italian Opera, with additional perf.rmen, and also the celebrated chorus, are engaged for the whole series.
The musical direction of the whole is in the hands of Mr. Costa, who will himeelf conduct a portion of the concerts.
The concerts will take place on the following Fridays, viz. -May 1st, 0th, 15th, rid, 29th, June 5th, 26tb, Jtdy 3d, 10th, 17th, 24th, 3Ist.
The two-guinea acumen-tickets will be available for these concerts. Transferuble tickets will also be issued for each concert at 7s. 6d. each, which tickets can be obtained at the Company's offices, or of any of the agents.
In compliance with a desire which was universally exprettied hue semen, a limited number of reserved stalls will be set apart, which may be taken for the Series of Twelve Concerts at One Guinea each stall, or at Half-a-Crown each for a mingle concert.
The Directors have made arrangements with Mr. Mitchell for the Berrie. of the Cologne Choral Union (Coiner Manner Gesangverein), whose performances on their former visit have attracted enthusiastic admiration, for a Concert in the Centre Transept of the Palace, on Saturday, the Lth June.
N.B.-Both. classes of season-tickets will be available for this concert.
The displays of the vast system of fountains, cascades, and jets d'eaux will be resumed, and continued during the whole season. The upper system will play daily as heretofore ; and the entire display, embracing the fountains of the grand basins, the seater temples, the cascades, and the whole of the upper fountains, on occasionseo be from time to time announced.
There will be two grand horticultural and floricultural fetes during the prment season The first on Sattmlay, the 90th of May; and The second on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 9th, 10th, and 11th of September, V. POL'LTRY SHOWS.
There will be Two Shows in the course of the coming season.
The Summer Show will take place on the 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of August. The Winter Show on the 9th, ritte and lath of January 1858.
VI. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS of the BUILDING. EXHIBITIONS OF PICTURES.-The picture-gallery, formed during the past year in the North wing of the Palace, has proved so successful in its capabilities for the effective display of paintings, thvt it is the intention of the Directors to bold therein during the present season two exhibitions of the works of living painters of all schools.
The ant of these exhibitions will open in May, and continue spen during the summer.
The second will be a winter exhibition.
Exhibitions of photogrephe will also be held in the upper portion of the picture-gallery from time to time during the ECES011.
CERAMIC COURT-The Directors are deeirous to take the present opportunity of expressing their acknowledgmentn for the kind and ready manner in which their requests for loans for the Ceramic Court were responded to by the owners of colleen°na of porcelain and pottery of the most rare, fragile, and valuable descriptions.
Ills very gratifying to the Direeture to be able to say that the further aid offered them is such as will enable them to 'entitle° the Ceramic Court, for the pre.nt season, with a number of additional specimens, exemplifying the capabilities of the art in its most elaborate branches.
The collection will be, as before, under the superintendence of Mr. Thomas Battane F.S.A.
INDIAN COURT AND GALLERY OF ENGINEERING MODELS.-In each of these departments the Directors have to acknowledge assistance of the mate gratifying nature as that in the Ceramic Court. By public companies and institutions, us well as by private individuals. the Directors have been intrusted with the most valuable and beautiful models, with costly carvings and vvorks in ivory and bronze, fabrics, and works of art, granted with a liberality and readiness for which they cannot sufficiently express their obligations. They have thus been enabled materially to improve the Indian Court, and also to form a eolleetion of Models of Engineering Works, illustrating in a very complete manner that great branch of British skill ahd enterprise, surpassing any other now acceseible to the public. It will give the Directors great piewsure to recePre any further contributions with which they may be favoured.
THE NAVAL MUSEUM-The exhibition under this denomination in the thitt and second galleries of the North transept, fronting the garden, now containe about three hundred models of Strips, loan, and Vessels of all descriptions, affording an Illustration of the progresnee improvement in Brinell Naval Architecture and Navigation during a period of three hundred and forty years. It also contains Sped/1101S of new inventions connected with the improvement et' navigation.
The Directors beg here also to aeknowledgellhe ready and extensive assistance which they have received front shipowners, ship builders, engineers, and shipping companies, in funning this very interesting and national collection, and at the same time solicit the further aid of all parties who may have the means of extending it.
WATER TOWERS.-The Great Towers are now completed, and arrangements hove been made by which, for a small cbarge, visitors to the Palace can ascend them and enjoy the extensive view from the balconies, where powerful telescopes are about to be placed.
MAMMOTH TREK-An object of great interest has lately been added lathe contents of the Palace, which will remain on exhibition during the whole of the coming season.
The object alluded to Ins portion of the trunk of the Welllngtonia gigantea, or Mammoth nee, being the largest of the group of those trees discovered in California. The portion erected in the Tropical Transept, opposite the Abu Simbel figures, is no leas than 103 feet in height, and thirty. two feet in diameter at the base.
EXHIBITING DEPARTMENT.-Aniongst the branches of industry which now find important illustration in this department, may be mentioned the manufacture of Gold and Silver work and Electroplate, both domestic and artistic; Vulesmite sad India Rubber generally ; Colour Printing and Typography Papier Macke, Ornamental Iron, Fancy Goods,
and other-productions of Ilirruingham ; Domestic Furniture, Church Furniture, in stone, wood, metal, and fabric ; Hardware generally, and especially the productions of Sheffield, in the Court tilled by the manufacturers of that iMportant centre of industry.
CANADIAN COURT-The arrangements announced on • termer occasion with the Government of Canada are now,
the Directors are bappy to report, complete. The Government of Canada have undertaken to form and =detain its the Palace a colitetion which shall completely net forth the condition of the manutheturee and other Indust's. and resources of that important colony The collection will be placed in the large-Court lying be . tweenthe News-Room and the Stationery Court, isamediately adjoining both the Nave and Central Transept, and at present occupied by the sculpture of the German school.
RAW PRODUCE COLLECTION, AND TRADE MUSEUM.-The Technological portion of this department ix rapidly approaching completion. It will comprise illustrations of all the chief manufactures of the United Kingdom; and specimens of the product!, animal, Vegetable, and mine • ral, of Great Britain and the Colonies, as well as of other countries. It is believed that it will be open to the public in the course of the poresont summer.
The Department is situated In the second gallery on the garden side of the Great Transept.
MACHTNERT IN MOTION-The Machinery will be in xenon during the season at such times as will be announced iu the detailed advertisements. The Machinery now in the department comprisee a complete set of machineryjor Spinning, Carding, Warping, Sizing, Wearing, and all the other processes for the manufacture of Cotton goods from the bale to the thread, and from the thread to the finished piece, and a great variety of other machines.
AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY.-The Department of Agricultural Machinery and Implements has been considerably improved during the past year. Specimens will be found there of the Portable Stcaln-eugines and all the other stew machiues of the chief manufacturers, and purchasea can be made at the same prices as at the warehouses of the makere HEADING-ROOM.-The Company's Reading and NewsRoom is situated close to the Centre Transept, between it and the German Sellip/IITE Court. It contains all the Morning Journals; the Weekly Papers, Metropolitan and Provincial ; and all the Periudieals and Magazines.
In addition to this, advertisements and copies of new works, both British and Foreign, are displayed immediately after publication.
FANCY FAIRS.-The Directors are prepared to afford accommodation to benevolent and other societies, for holding fancy fairs lathe Palace during the season.
CRICKET, ARCHERY, AND THE GROUNDS GENERALLY.-It gives the Directors great pleasure to announce that the Cricket-mound is now complete, and that it will be thoroughly in order for the approaching summer. Great care 'has been taken in the formation of the ground, and they believe that it will be found equal in extent and excellence to any other lathe neighbourhood of London.
The Archery-ground will be continued as before, in the Northern portion of the grounds, behind the Picture-Gallery Wing.
The Directors have determined upon continuing the price of Season-Tickets of admission at the following rates, vie,
ILO 1867' TOhoTll se111 18.58, TWO OLIN., Eon. Thee tickets will admit the holder on every occasion be
tween May 1, 1857, and April 30, 1838, on which the Palace is open ; the four days of the Handel Festival, viz. the 13th, 13th, 17th, and 19th of June, only excepted.
IL OLOO.W-T/CLETE, (NOT TIIANSEEROILLO EV.OLOLE PROS 15E WO( 1857, TO NAB A.THIL 1858, wiz OEINL/. EECE. These tickets admit the holder on all occasions, excepting the Opera Concerts, and the other Fridays throughoat the year, and the 13th, 13th, 17th, and 19th June, being the four days of the Handel Festival.
The tickets will be issued on and after the 20th inst., and may be obtained at the Crystal Palaee ; at the offices of the Company, 79, Lombard Street ; at the offices of the Loudon and Brighton Rail way Company, London Bridge, and Regent Circus, Piccadilly ; Central Handel Festival Ticket Office, Exeter Hall ; and of the Company's agents.
It gives the Directors great irratithetion to be able to announce that they have entered into arrangements with the Sacred Harmonic isociety for a Genet Series of Three Performances of Handers Oratorios, to take place in the Centre Transept of the Palace in the third week of Jane. Her Majesty and HEll. Prince Albert have been graciously pleased to extend their esp.]al patronage to the Perinea', and have expressed their intentiau of honouring it with their presence. For further particulars sec special advertisement.
ORDINARY RATES OF ADMISSION.-They remain as before, vie.
On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurseays, raid Fridays is. Ort.
On Saturdays 2s, 6.0.
Children under Twelve years of age, Half-price.
The Palace will be opened on Mondays at 0 a. ra. ; on Tuenlays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, at 10; excepting on the dus of the concerts by the Opera Company, on which days it will be opened at 1 o'clock, and on Saturdays at 12; closing daily about eimeet.
BRIGHTON RAILWAY.-During the treason, the trains of the London and Brighton Railway Company will leave London Bridge Station every half hour, and during bury days every quarter of an hour, from 9 o'clock a.m. till dusk, returning from the Palace at the same intervals throughout the day. (For exact tones of starting, are the Railway Coatpatty's time tables.)
Return fares, including admission to the Palace lot Class. 2d Class. 9d Class,
d. d. s. d. s. d.
On Shilling Days 2 6 ... 2 0 ... 1 6
On Half-crown Day, 4 0 ... 3 ... 3 3 Children under Twelve years of age, Half-price. WEST-END RAILWAY.-The opening of this line to the Wandsworth Station has already been attended with great convenience to viaitors to the Palace, and it is with much pleasure that the Directors anticipate the completion of the whole lire to the Sloane Street Slalon, ns seen as tile Junetion with the main line of the South-Western Bnilway, at the Clapham Conuslon Station, in the course of the coming season, by which great economy of time will be effected, and still further convenience afforded lathe public.
MID-KENT RAILWAY.-The portion of this line teem the station of the South-Eastern Railway at London Bridge to Beckenham has been opened, and the extremaots to the Crystal Palace Station will be shortly completed, whereby an ease aceess will be afforded to the residents lathe Lewisham and Blackheath diets lets.
EXCURSIONS.-Armegemente hare been made by which benevolent emaeties, whools, and other large bodies, may visit the Palace at the following mewed ratee-applying only to shilling days and third-class carriages.
Per a number of excursionists over Me and under 500 1 3 per head instead of 1 6
Exceeding-Maud under 760 1 1 „ „ 1 e
Exceeding 730 and under 1e00 1 1 „ „ 1 6 Exceeding 1000 1 0 „ 1 6 Cell ren, Half price.
(Signed) ARTHUR ANDERSON. Chairman. JAMES FESUGUSSON, General Manager.
I) pm-LA.-This preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern c.hernistry has conferred upon mankind . for during the Ant twenty years of the present century to speak of a care for the gout was considered a romance, hut now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by uneelleited tesUmonials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion proclaims this se one of the most important ...cries of the Drexel arr. Sold by Peo. reel. iOsxv,rv, 124, Strom/3, Leedom; and 41 Melt: ine Vtadurs. Price !.. %J. and 2.9.0. perbox.