CODER THE UnrEDIATE earaOHAOS 07 li_ER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN arrn HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT. Who haS graelously consented to preside at the Giusti isscorert Cxermoxe.
THIS PALACE, covering a space of
18,000 square yards, will Contain the LARGEST and moist VALUABLE COLLECTION OF WORKS OF ART, Ancient and Modern, ever presented to the public, and which, there are many reasons for supposing, can never be brought together again. The Exhibition will also include A NATIONAL GALLERY OF PORTRAITS OF BRITISH CELEBRITIES ; Also, A HISTORY OF MINIATURE ART. A sEralEATE GALLES. Or USX ClanessE WA.TER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, Prom the time of Girtin.
From Wood, Copper, and Steel, showing the History of the Engraver's Art, from More Antonio to the Present Time ; SCULPTURE, lie MARBLE AND BRONZE, ANCIENT AND MODERN ; FINE SPECIMENS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. CURIOUS ANTIQUE FURNITURE, RICH DISPLAYS OF GOLD AND SILVER PLATE, MEDIA:VAL WORKS, RARE SPECIMENS OF CHINA. AND BRONZES, Along with the far-famed and hitherto comparatively unknown Continental COLLECTION OF M. SOULAGES.
These gems of art have all been most graciously lent for the purpose by her Majesty the Queen, Prince Albert, and the leading Nobility and Gentry of the United Kingdom.
MUSICAL ARRANGEMENTS--A LARGE ORGAN has been erected for the occasion, and throughout the season there will be Daisy Mestere Pthroursaxces, by a large Orchestra, under the superintendence of Mr. CRAM.. Hams, Who will conduct in person each Thursday.
BOTANICAL GARDENS.—A communication will be opened from the Palace to the Gardens, thus adding to the interest and variety of the Promenade. The charge for admission will be entirely under the control of the Council of the Botanical Society.
REFRESHMENTS will be provided soon extensive scale at moderate charges. A tariff of prices for dinners and lighter refreshments, approved by the Committee, will be affixed in conspicuous parts of the Palace. The refreshmentrooms communicate with the Palace and adjoin the Botanical Gardens and the railway station. No refreshments will be allowed to be carried into the Palace, as the arrangements are adapted for the suitable supply of the wants of all classes. -- GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS.
The Executive Committee give notice of the following GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS for the information of visitors.
The EXHIBITION will be OPENED on TrENDET the Otis MET, on which day none but the proprietors 01 21. 2. seasontickets will be admitted.
PRICES OF ADMISSION—From the 0th to 18th May, (both days inclusive,) 2s. id. for each person. On and after Monday the 18th May, la. for emir person, except on Thursday in each week, when the charge will be 28. 0,6. for each person.
NB.—There will be also certain dep. (not exceeding elght in all) specially reserced for prnprintorn of season-tickete, of which due notice will be givers by public adverthement at least seven days beforehand. SEASON-TICKETS at 2/. 2. entitle the proprietors to admission on all OeCatatlas when the Exhibition is open to the public; tickets et I/. Is. entitle to admission on all bet the " reserved days." Them Ticketa may be procured at the Ethibition Minding; Or at the °ekes, 100, Mosley Street.
Season-Ticketa are not transferable, and must be ripen/ by the proprietor before being presented at the entrance of the Palace, where a book will be kept in which the proprietor will be required to write his or her some whenever requeated to do so by the officers of the committee.
HOURS OF EXHIBITION.—The doors will be open daily at ten o'clock, and will be closed at sunset. A bell will be rung half art hour before closing.
CATALOGUER—A General Catalogue, price 1s will be sold in the Palace. A more full ansi explanatory catalogue , will be subsequently-published at an adeanced price.
BATH CHAIRS will be provided at a moderate charge for the use of ladies and invalids.
OPERA GLASSES will begs Sale or Hire in the Palace. SMOKING in any part ottbe Palace is strictly prohibited. NO PARCELS, STICKS, or UMBRELLAS will be allowed to pass beyond the entrance, where they may he left in charge of a proper officer, at a charge of one pearly.
NO CHANGE will be given at the doors.
NO RETURN TICKETS will be given to any one leaving the Palace, and passingout beyond the barriers where the turnstiles are fixed.
NB.—These limits include the Ithereshment Rooms, but not the Botanical Gardens.
CARRIAGES.—All drivers win be required to obey the directions given to them by the Pollee on duty at the approaches.
VISITORS ON FOOT are requested to keep the path to the North side of the carriage drive.
Arrangements are being made vrith the various Railway Companies for EXCURSION TRAMS, and also to enable an Visitors to purchase both the Railway Ticket and the Ticket for admimion to the Palace by a single payment. THOMAS HAMILTON, Secretary. Wilkes, 100, Meshy Street.
CURES (without physic) of INDIO-ESTION (Dyspepsia), Flatulency, Phlegm, all nervous, bilious, and liver complaint., constipation, dysentery, OarMoen acidity, palpitation heartburn headaches hysteria, neuralgia, debility, despondency, cramps, spasms, nausea, and skliness at the stomach, sinking, Me, congh, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, also children's complaints, by DU BARRY'S delicious REVALENTA ARAIOCA FOOD which restores health without Inefielike, Inconvenience, or exPeme, as it saves fifty times its cost in other remedies. To the most eufeebled it imparts a healthy relish for lunch and dinner, and restores the faculty of digestion, and nervous andmumular energy. Recommended by Dee Gee, Shorland, Campbell, , , Lord lll.us,rt de Beeler, the Dowager Countess of Castlesitiart, Major. General Thomas King, and 50,0e9 other respectable persona, whose health has been perfectly restored by it after all other meats 07 Clare had failed. In canisters, lib., 2s. ad. ; 21h., 45. 6d. 7. 31b., Its. ; 121b., 22.s. ; the 121b. carriage free, on recelps of post-office order.—Barry du Barry and Co. 77, Regent Street, London; Fortnum, Mason, and Co. 152. Pima dilly; 330, Strand ; Abbis and Co. GO, Gracechnrch Ss/reed ; 63, and 120, 00 ford Street , OS, Dialupegata Kis eel Within,