STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTRRNOON. The market for English Securities has been animated all the week, at lower prices. The great and continued drain upon the Bank, and the expectation that tomorrow's return would show another large decrease of bullion, (in spite of the arrival of nearly 700,000/. Australian gold during the week,) tended to depress all descriptions of Stock. It was at one time apprehended that the Bank Directors would have recourse to still further restrictive measures ; but at the meeting on Thursday, an advance in the minimum rate of interest was not thought requisite. Applications for accommodation in the money-market have been extremely numerous; and high rates have been freely given in preparation for the settlement of the i
fortnightly account today n Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares. The report of the Indian Government being about to raise a direct loan in the London market assisted in keeping prices low. Consols opened on Monday at an improvement of k upon Saturday's prices; and after fluctuating since between 94 buyers and 93 sellers, they close this afternoon as they opened, firm at 931 1. A good deal of business altogether has been doing, and some very heavy sales have been effected. Today, after opening dull at 93 3-16ths, strong sellers, Consols rapidly advanced to 94 buyers. Indeed, a much better feeling prevails in all the markets. Reduced closes at 94 ; New Three per Cents, 921 1. Bank Stock has been negociated today at 213, 215, and 2121. Foreign Stocks have been drooping, but with increased business. Prices upon the whole after having been much lower, close pretty nearly as those of last week. Turkish Six per Cent, 941 ; Ditto Four per Cent Guaranteed, 1001 I; Mexican,t231 1 ; Venezuela, 34 7k ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 761 771; Peruvian Three per Cents, 64 55. A moderate business has been passing in Railway Shares. Prices have fluctuated generally about 25s. The market has advanced today 5s. to 108. per share. Rates of continuation have been heavier than for some accounts, but became somewhat easier yesterday. There is a decidedly better tone existing in all things this afternoon. Midland leaves off at 821 Great Western, 671 1; London and North-Western, 1051 k ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1021 1; Caledonian, 341 ; Brighton, 108 109; Dover, 221 1.
An average business has been done n French and other Foreign Shares, closing at rather better quotations. Paris and Lyons, 621 34Central of France, 231241; Northem of France, 39/ 401; Sambre and Meuse, 91 1; Luxembourg, 611. The new Indian schemes have been in rather more demand. Punjaubs are now quoted at 7-16 9-16 premium ; Oude, par 1 premium ; Central Oude, k premium ; Riga and Dunaburg, / premium. HAIVEDAY, TWELVE o'Ctoce. The Markets are all flat this morning, owing to the fact of the Bank of France having raised the premium on gold from 41. to 6f. per milk. Consols opened nearly 1 lower-93 I; business at present is unimportant. Rail way Shares heavy at lower rates. The return of the Bank stock of bullion shows another decrease of 279,1081.
Seznansor, Ore o'Crecx.
A slight improvement has taken place in the general tone of the Markets all round. Consols are now 931 f. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares have been quiet all day, at yesterday's quotations. The following are the last transactions marked on the official list-Caledonian, 69; Cheater and Holyhead, 351 ; Eastern Counties, 111; Great Western, 671; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1021; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1081; London and North-Western, 105; London and Soinh-Western, 1011 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 31; Midland, 821; North-Eastern-Berwick, 87; Ditto York, 651; South-Eastern, 7,51; Eastern of France, 341; Northern of France, 34; Paris and Lyons, 621. Joint Stock Banks-English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, In; _ London Joint Stock, 30; South Australia, 31; Union of London, 251 ; Western Bank of London, 38. .
3 per Cent Consols 92 3 Dutch 21 per Cents 641 51 Dttto for Account 9.31 I Ditto 4 per Cents 96 98
3 per Cent Reduced 91 Mexican 3 r Cents... 231 1
New 3 per Cents 91 Peruvian 41 per Cents 76 8 Long Annuities 2 7-16 9-16 Ditto 3 per Cent 34 6 Bank Stock 212 ins Portuguese 3 pers Cents 1853. 444 51
Exchequer Bills 10 5 Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 India Stock 220 224Ditto 4195 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 914 Spanish rper Cents 412
Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred iii 51
Belgian 41 per Cents 98 100 Sardinian 5 per Cents 90 2 Chilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8
Danish 5 per Cents 101 .3 Turkish 6 per Cents 941 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 84 7 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 1001 6
The Bank of England proprietors, on Tuesday, elected Mr. S. Neave as Governor, and Mr. B. Dobreo as Deputy-Governor.
A weekly journal having seriously aspersed the management of the Bank of London' the Deputy Chairman, Mr. John Griffith Frith, has written to the Tiniesto deny the assertions made. Sir John Shelley, the Chairman, is not indebted one shilling to the bank, but has a good balance to his credit ; and no Director has had, or can have "nit advance upon anything but firstclass bills of exchange, or upon such convertible security as would be readily taken by the Bank of England or by any London banker."
The Agra and United Service Bank has declared a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and carried a large sum to the reserve-fund. The bank is henceforth to be a London establishment : the Lord Mayor will be one of the London Directors.
The Amsterdam Bank has just declared a dividend at the rate of 151 per cent per annum.
What are believed to be the final terms of the Government for the establishment of a Turkish Bank are now known-if foreigners will not accept them, natives will. The privileges are to he for thirty years, and extend over the whole empire, so that branches can be established at any place. The capital is to be 10,000,0001., with 2,500,000/. paid-up.. The Government will nominate the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and lux of the twenty four Directors. The right of issue of notes is to extend to 15,000,000/., with a reserve of one-half in specie. The bank is to redeem the State Raper circulation, whether bearing interest or not, and to replace tho depreciated coinage ; it will be reimbursed by Treasury Bonds the interest secured by the revenues of certain districts. All legitimate blinking operations may be undertaken.
The Royal Mail Steam Company have declared a dividend of 2/. per share, with a bonus of 1/. 108. per share out of the amount beyond 200,0001. standing to the credit of the insurance-account.
CRYSTAL PALACE.-Return of admissions for six days ending Friday April 17th, including season-ticket-holders, 33,567.