Sermons on Subjects of the Day. By Distinguished Catholic Prelates
and Theologians. (Dublin : Kelly.)—These sermons were delivered at the second plenary Council of Baltimore, in October, 1866, the largest council ever held in Christendom since the Council of Trent, with the exception of two or three which have been held at Rome under the sovereign Pontiff himself, and which were not properly councils. "Every Catholic," says the preface, "will naturally wish to possess a copy of this work as a permanent memorial of this great council ; and even those not of the fold will be pleased to possess it in their libraries." If so, the sale of the book is assured already, and as every Catholic, and every non-Catholic who has a library, will be sure to buy a copy, no amount of praise on our part would add to such universal circulation. Perhaps, therefore, it will be safer for us not to point out that the sermons merely repeat the old Roman arguments, and that there is nothing either in the arguments themselves or the shape in which they are put, to command our respect or our adhesion.