18 APRIL 1874, Page 3
Mr. Holker, M.P. for Preston, is to be the new
Solicitor- General. Mr. Huddleston was to have been, but Mr. 'Ellett, -of Norwich, put in his veto on Mr. Huddleston's re-election for Norwich, in punishment for the insults the Conservatives are always heaping on him, and the expectant Solicitor-General had -to fall back on his desire for practice and independence. The berth -was then offered to Mr. Forsyth, but he feared another contest for Marylebone, where Mr. Hughes would have been a dangerous opponent, and so, as Mr. Giffard is without a seat, Mr. Holker „gets the prize. He is an unknown quantity in Parliament, but is said to be a man of some energy and much law.