[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sut,—By an unfortunate oversight reference to the Open Spaces Bill Committee, whose Bill is coming before the House of Commons very shortly for Second Reading in the name of Sir Henry Cowan and other Members of Parliament, was omitted from the letter which appeared in the columns of your paper on April 11th, and which specifically referred to certain bodies which have done and are still doing such splendid work in this direction. We regret this very much, because the Committee in question, of which Mr. Basil Holmes, J.P., is the Chairman, and Mr. E. A. C. Thomson is the Honorary Secretary, has devoted much time and thought to this Bill, the provisions of which when it becomes law will assist the local authorities to a very material degree. On this account alone it is deserving of the support of every person irrespective of party, creed or class in the country, and we therefore ask you. to be kind enough to draw attention to this omission by giving prominence to this letter. On behalf of the organisers, I am, Sir, &e., R. J. KENTISH, Bit.General.
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