" Post-War " Troubles
The truth is that the Galton System is proving itself to be a wonderful tonic and stimulant to what we may call the " post-war " mind. Consciously or unconsciously, there is practically no man or woman who is not suffering in some form or another from the effects of the War. Those effects are exhibited in varying forms: some of the more common being loss of confidence and courage, lack of energy, depression, worry habits, hopelessness and disbelief in the possibilities of life.
• These effects and other serious consequences are not always recognized: nevertheless, it is sufficiently obvious to any careful observer that they do, in one form or another, represent the general mental condition of these times.
As a generation, in short, we have been demoralized by the War, and it is only by such means as the Galton System provides that we can fully recover that mental elasticity and élan, that optimistic cheerfulness and courageous spirit of enterprise which made us so prosperous and successful before the War.
Greater evidence of the immense value of the Galton System in reinfusing energy, hope and courage could not be found than in the comment recently made by a business man of middle-age, who says: " Tke Galion Course not only makes one ready to fight the battle of life all over again, but even makes one curiously eager to do so."
We may leave the reader to measure for himself the full significance of that remark : it is a remark which requires no comment.
Even those who had previously studied mind-training in different ways have testified to the new and common-sense light which the Galton System throws upon the subject. A university graduate recently said : "It is teaching me things which I never learnt before, although I took the psychology course at the university."
Another—an ex-Army officer—says: "I am delighted. I little expected to find that the Course would supply a moral as well as an intellectual stimulus."
Scores, hundreds, of equally interesting comments might be quoted. They come, literally, from every section of the community—from men of all ages and from women of all ages.