18 AUGUST 1855, Page 1


THE long hunger of public expectancy has at last received some -stay, in the successes of the Allies reported both from the Baltic and the Black Sea. There has been another great fight on the Tchernaya, and Siveaborg has been roughly handled; the victory, in both eases, being obtained with small cost to the Allies.

The despatches from the Black Sea only reached us yesterday aftiernoon, and the telegraph is not very ample in its statements ; hut the broad facts arc sufficiently important. A large body of the Russians attacked the position on the Tchernaya ; and after a 'fight of three hours' duration, they were repulsed, with great loss to them and little loss to the Allies. Another despatch tells us that the attack was headed by Liprandi, and sustained by the French and Sardinians; that the assailants numbered fifty or sixty thousand, and lost Some thousands. The Sardinians have reco- vered from the malady that seized them as new-comers: they were impatient for *action, and it was to be expected that they would prove worthy to Wit ky the side of the French and English ; it is tow the just boast ot La Marmora that they have done so. The English were denied any share in the conflict, admirably finished before they could come up. The motives for this attack in force are explained. The Rus- sians had received reinforcements, and they trust much to weight of numbers. Perhaps they felt the impossibility of remaining much longer inactive, as the waiting race went against them. And, it is said, they had directions from St. Petersburg to hasten an assault, in. order, if possible, to prevent the renewed bombard- ment and storm of- the fortress which the Allies were evidently preparing. General Simpson announces by telegraph that the bombardment was to recommence yesterday morning.

-The success in the Baltic Stands conspicuous chiefly by 'virtue of Its isolation in that sea. Sweaborg has been exposed to a bom- bardment, which resulted in an immense and protracted conflagra- tion, with the destruction, it is reported by the French Admiral, of the storehouses and -arsenals. An unofficial account says that the earthworks and batteries were knocked' to pieces ; but the silence of the Admirals on that- point implies that the unofficial writer magnifies. As yet we only have the meagrest accounts. The most satisfactory point is that the loss on the side of the Allies was very small—" deaths none." Our ships approached the labyrinth of islands which close the deep inlet of HelaingfOrs, and were able to silence if not destroy the fortifications without exposing themselves to any, damage worth mentioning. We remember the exaggerated inferences from the attack on Bomar- rand, and we cannot regard the present success as necessarily in- volving the destruction of Cronstadt, at a distance, and guarded by complioated defences of a very different kind. The attack, however, has saved the season from passing off without any achievement; it has,proved that the Allies can carry on the series of blows upon Russia' in the North; it has shown that timber fortifications of the sea can do something against the stone castles of the land ; it must increase the depression at St. Petersburg, in proportion as it has pleased and relieved a public in this country impatient at the in- action.