The week's publications have been rather more numerous than of late, but without exhibiting any very striking promise in a literary way. Mr. New- degate, after vainly attempting to induce Government to extend and improve the publication of commercial statistics, has himself collected and published the tariffs of various nations, in redemption of a voluntary pledge he gave in the House of Commons. Another Member of Parliament, Mr. James Hey- wood, has sent forth, with additional matter, a translation of Bohlen's learned and critical Commentary on Genesis, so far as relates to the more general question of the time of its publication, and the views of the Hebrews on cos- mogony and primeval history as deduced by the German Professor. Besides a batch of fictions, from which, we apprehend, much is not to be expected, Mr. Herring has printed his informing lectures on Paper and Paper-making delivered at the London Institution.
A Collection of the Customs-Tariffs of all Nations' based upon. a Translation of the Work of H. Hiibner, augmented by additional in- formation, brought down to the end of the year 1854. By C. D. New- degate, M.P.
Introduction to the Book of Genesis, with a Commentary on the open- ing portion. From the German of Dr. Peter Von Bohlen, late Pro- fessor of Oriental Languages and Literature in the University of Konigsberg. Edited by James Heywood, M.P., F.R.S. In two volumes.
Paper and Paper-making, Ancient and Modern. By Richard Herring. With an Introduction, by the Reverend George Croly, LL.D. They are only Cousins ; a Novel. By Claude Aston. In three volumes. Martha: a Sketch from Life. By Anthony Smith the Elder, of Alin- ley, in the county of Warwick, late Attorney-at-law. Linden Manor ; or Rural Recollections. By William Platt, Author of "Tom Thornton," &o.
The Palace at Westminster, and other Historical Sketches. By W. D. Arnold, Author of "Oakfield, or Fellowship in the East." Mime " Sketches " were originally delivered as lectures at country insti- tutions. They are four in number, three of them directly historical,—the Palace at Westminster, rapidly running over the history of Parliament ; 4 the English in India," an equally rapid sketch of Clive and the salient points of subsequent conquests ; the Discovery of America, or rather a bio- graphy of Columbus. The fourth paper is on Uoite ; which Mr. Arnold re- gards favourably as an institution, though he admits its tendency to run into evil ; but "caste," he says, or a division of classes, exists in reality every- where : not, however, as a system of religion, which is the feature of Hin- doo caste. The facts are told with clearness and spirit ; the comments are fresh, vivid, and deserving of consideration, if not always of reception ; and as much of novelty is imparted as is perhaps practicable with such well- worn themes.] The Lam of Nature and Nations as ejected by Divine Law. By Leone
Levi, Lecturer on Commercial Law at King's College, London, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, &c. ; Author of "Commercial Law of the World," &c. volume is large enough to discuss the main object which Mr. Leone
Levi seems to have had in view—that of deciding how far life is authorized to be taken by the Divine law under any circumstance?, and consequently whether war itself is justifiable. The various subjects into which he wan- ders require a much larger book for their satisfactory treatment ; since the author touches upon the history of international law, the law of nature in re- ference to the conduct of individual persons, the law of nations in practice or usage, or as founded on the laws of nature and Divine revelation, with a series of "methods for promoting international justice and peace." The consequence of attempting to handle so many topics in so small a compass is curt treatment and unsatisfactory conclusions; more especially as compre- hensive grasp is by no means a characteristic of Mr. Levi's mind.]
Introduction to English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson. By
Henry Reed, late Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in
Pennsylvania University. (Excelsior Library.)
[A cheap reprint in a new speculation Mr. Shaw's Excelsior Library, of an American course of lectures on English Literature, which we noted when the original American edition reached us, some months since. The illustra- tive quotations are sometimes abridged in this reprint.] A Key to Practical Mathematics. SChambers's Educational Course.) [The solution of all the exercises given in the treatise on practical maths.- modes in Chambers's Educational Course. It is primarily designed for the hurried schoolmaster, but will be found equally useful in self-tuition, when consulted after the student has exerted himself to solve the problem.] Black's Tourists' Guide to Hampshire and Dorsetshirs ; including De-
scriptions of the Isle of Wight, Winchester, Southampton, Weymouth,
and every other place of interest in these Counties. With !daps. • Black's Tourists' Guide to Derbyshire, its Towne, Watering-Places, Dales, and Mansions. With Map of the County, and Plan of Chats- wo:th.
The Home and Grave of Byron : an Historical and Descriptive Account
of Newstead Abbey, .Annesley Hall, and Ilucknall-Torkard. Also Remarks on the Architecture of Newstead Abbey. Read before the
Royal Archaeological Society, by Arthur Ashpitel, Req., F.S.A. " [The season has produced a few Guidebooks : from Messrs. Black of Edin- burgh on Hampshire, Dorsetshire' and Derbyshire ; and a local affair on Newstead Abbey. The Guides of Messrs. Black give as much matter for a shilling as we should imagine can possibly be done : maps, railway routes and fares, hotels and their charges, with as many facts as can be packed to- gether respecting the principal towns and places of the respective counties, will be found in these little books. The information, however, is rather gazetteer-looking ; and the books might be improved by more eseursionizing directions of a particular kind. In the "Complete Guide to Newstead
i Abbey," Byron s the leading subject; but the house and grounds are done in a guide-like want]
The only new edition calling for remark Lillie third volume of Mr. Mur- ray's cheap edition of Hallam's Historical Works, completing the "Middle Ages."
View of the State of Europe during the _Middle Ages. By Henry Hal- lain, LL.D., F.ILA.S., Foreign Associate of the Institute of France. In three volumes. Volume ILI. Eleventh edition.
Specimens of the choicest Lyrical Productions of the moot celebrated German Poets, from Klopstock to the present time. With Bio- graphical and Literary Notes. Translated in English Verse. By Mary Anne Burt. Second edition.
Indian _Er...change Tables; converting Sterling Money into East India Company's Currency, and East India Company's Currency into Star. ling Money. By J. Henry Roberts. Seoond edition, revised, 'lin, proved, and enlarged.
The Isthmus of Suez Question. By M. Our West Indian Colonies: Jamaica a Ferdinand De Lesseps, Minister Pled. Source of National Wealth and Honour.
potentiary. By H. B.-Evans' M.R.C.8.. late Sur- geon Superintendent of Admiralty Mismanage- f eon Superintendent of Immigrants,
ucea, Jamaica. need, referred to at the Meeting in ' •
favour of Administrative Reform, at Ca, jots and Proved: of Canada in
Drury Lane, June 15, 1855. With Re- 1854: as portrayed in the Despatchee ply to the Charges of Sir Charles Wood, of the Earl of Elgin. Governor-General in the House of Commons, June 22 and of Canada, to her blajesty's Principal July 10. In a Letter to Samuel Mor- Secretary of State for the Colonies. ley, Esq. Chairman of the Administra- tive Reform Association, by W. 8. Lindsay, Esq. M.P.
A Letter on Army Reform. By Jacob Omnium.
Parliamentary Incongru:ties and Elec- toral Anomalies, as affecting the Re- presentation of the People in House of Commons Divisions, shown by an Analysis of the Division upon Mr. Vin- cent Scully's Motion for Open and Competitive Examination. By James Arland.
Lefler to the Honourable Franc& Blacks ; being a Review of his Reply to Mr. Howe's Speech on the OrgaWzation of the EmPre. A Letter to William Brown, Esq., MP., on the Advantages of the proposed sys- tem of Decimal Coinage. By T. C. Ban- field.
Debate on the Decimal Coinage Question in the House of Commons. June 12th 1855. With Remarks on the Speech of the Hon. Member for Kidderminster. Scheme for the Reconstruction of the Church Episcopate and its Patronage in Wales. By the Reverend B.. W. Mor- gan, p.c.' Tregy non, Montgomery. shire ; Author of "Christianity and Modern Infidelity," &c.
Poverty Prevented and Affluence As. quirecri or Social Economies Explained. By John Thoughtful.