WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 14.—Medical Staff Corps—Capt. R. S. Cole, from the 3d Foot, to be Assist.-Staff-Capt.
Weit-oericie Aug. 17.—Royal Horse Guards—Gen. Viscount Gough, G.C.B. from 87th Foot, to be Cot vice Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, G.C.B. deceased.
' W kP..-OPPleg, Aug. 17.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards—Surg. W. G. Trousdell, M.D. frOm'the 50th Foot, to be Sorg. vice M'Culloah, appointed to the Staff. 6th Drag. Guards—Lieut. P. Pinckney to be Capt. without purchase, vice Hawker, deceased; Cornet H. A. Wight to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Pinckney. 8th Light Drags.—G. Banbury, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Sawbridge, promoted. 10th Litht Drags.—Lieut. C. 1'. Rosser to be Capt. without purchase, vice Bowles, deceased ; Cornet G. S. Davies to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Router.
The undermentioned Gentlemen Cadets to be appointed.Lieute. in the Royal Ar- tillery—J. R. Dyce, K. Monro, E. Staveley, W. Gilmour, P. P. I,. Welch, J. W. J. Dawrion, H. Edmeades, J. Id. Burn, S T. Nicholson, W. Smith, W. Newman, E. J. Tremlett. T. A. Robinson G. M. Campbell, G. E. Maule, W. D. Cares", A. G. Hiller, E. C. Macnaghten, I:. H. H. Parsons, B., W. Phipps, J. C. Cavendish, B.. Sandham, G. E. Callender, A. A. Stewart, Hon. B.. V. Dillon, and E. S. Burnett.
the undermentioned Gentlemen Cadets to be appointed Lieute, in the Royal En- gizreers—G. D. Pritchard, E. S. Tyler, K. T. Brooke, C. E. Wynne, R. Harrison, E.
Courteney. R. 31.F. Sandford, n:Bullen, H. Jonee, A. T. Storer, J. T. Twigge,
R. G. Thoiold, G. S. Berkeley, G. H. Brooke, E. Mitchell, J. Gamier.
Erratum in Gazette of 11th May.—For Sorg. W. Handyside„ Royal Artillery, to be Quartermaster in the Land Transport Corps, read Cotnpany-Sergt. W. Handyside, Royal Artillery, to be Lieut. and Arljt. of the Royal,Engineer Field Equipment.
Omits Fusilier Regiment of Foot Guards—Lied, and Capt. C. Holder to be Capt. and Ueut.-Col. by purchase, vice Hon. C.- G. ScOtt, who retiree; Ensign and Lieut. A. C.:Campbell to he Lieut. and Capt. by purchase! vice Holder; .7. F. B. Elphin- stone, Gent. to be Ensign and Liettt. by purchase, vice Campbell.
lit Regt. of Foot—Lieut. T. J. Gregory. tote Capt. by purchase, vice Vansittart, who retires; Ensigo.J. P. Gillinore, from the 40th Foot, to be Lieqt. without pur- chase, vice Campbell, who resigns. 4th Foot—J. P. James, Gent, to be Ensign, by porch/tee, vice Fagan, promoted. 13th Foot—Lient. C. P. Long to be Capt. by purchase, vice Level, who. retires. 14th Foot—Ensign A. A. Le Mesurier to be Lieut. yeltbout purchase; P. Barlow, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Le Mesurier. 16th Foot—Ensign L. S. Rooke to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Quan- trine, who retires. 18th Foot—Lieut. C. G. D. Annesliy, from the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Wilkinson, who resigns. 19th Foot- Capt. W. L. F. She:rife. from the 51st Foot, to be Capt. vice Morrison, who ex- changes ; 0,1). Harris, Gent, to lie-Ensign, without purchase. 20th Foot—Ensign .J. Carden, to be LieuL by purchase, vice Dickens, promoted. 21st Foot— Second LieuL W. Pollock, from the Ceylon Ride Regt. to be LieuL without pur- chase, vice Fowler, who resigns; Quartermaster-Sergeant .T. Grahame to be Quar- termaster, vice Cassidy, appointed Paymaster of a Depot Battalion. 30th Foot- Lieut. Lachlan Macpherson to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major Hayiy, whose Brevet rank has been converted into Substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct. 1851; Ensign G. H. Sanders to be Ideute- leant without purchase, vice Macpherson; Ensign .1. B. Mackenzie, from the lot Royal Lanark Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Sanders. 34th Foot—Ensign B.. Leeson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ramsay, deceased; A. W. Gllley. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Leeson, promoted. 36th Foot—J. C. Jackson, Gent. lobe Ensign, by purchase, vice Harris, promoted. 38th Foot—Lieut. S. G. Quiche to be Capt. by purchase, vice Lambeth, who retires ; En- sign G. Grieve to be LieuL by purchase, vice Quicke. 39th Foot—To be Ensigns, without purchase—Ensign 3. E. W. Hussey, from the let Royal Lanark Militia; C. Itereferd, Gent. 40th Foot—De R. Lucas, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Gilhnore, promoted in the 1st Foot. 41st Foot—Ensign C. I.. Furlonge to be Lieut. without purchase. To be Ensigns, without purchase—T. White, Gent. ; W.
S. Jemmett, Gent, Tice Furlonge. 424 Foot—Ensign J. E. Christie, from the Stir- ingshire Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase. 44th Foot—Ensign G. C. Bower
trebe Lieut. without purchase. 47th Foot—Eneign. 11. Gem to be Lieut. without purchase ; Second Lieut. J. Anderson, from the Forfar end Kincardine Regiment of Militia Artillery, to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Gem. 50th Foot—G. A. Conran, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Massey, promoted; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class P. S. Warren, M.D. to be burg. vice Tronsdell, appointed to the 5th Drag. Guards. Slit Foot—Capt. R. F. Morrison, from the 19th Foot, to be Capt. vice Sheaffe, who exchanges. 56th Foot—Aesist.-Surg. D. C. Taylor, M.D. from the Staff. to be Assist.-burg. vice Decide, promoted ; Assistant-Surgeon Samuel Stacy Skipton, M.D. from the Steil, to be Assistant-Surgeon. 58th Foot— Ensign W. D. Bond to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Murchisop, who retires. 60th Foot—Capt. H. F. Kennedy to be Major, by purchase, vice the Hon. II. L. Powys who retires upon half-pay of the 38th loot; Lieut. H. P. Montgomery to be Capt. by purchase, vice Kennedy; Ensign W. F. Carleton to be LieuL by pur- chase, vice Montgomery ;• Ensigu C. C.. Wilkuxhby, from the 77th Foot, to be En- sign, vice Carleton. 64th Foot—Capt. T, Stirling to be Meier, without purchase, *lee Brevet-Lieut.-Col. H. J. Western, who retires upon full-pay ; .Lieut. w. F. J. Morphy to be Capt. without pur. vice Stirling ; Ensign R. Beatrruin to be Limit, without pur. vice Murphy. 66th Foot—Quartermaster G. Pollard to be Paymaster, vice Pilkington. 724 Foot—F. G. Sherlock, Gent- to be Enaign. without purchase. 77th Foot—Major the Hon. A. G. C. Chichester, frern the 87th Foot, to be Major, vice O'Brien, who exchanges. 80th- Foot—Acting Assist.-Surg. Iloyte to be As- sist.-Surg. 87th Foot—Major B. O'Brien, from the 77th Foot, tease Major, vice the Hon. A. G. C. Chichester, who exchanges. 88th Foot—Ensign G. S. Watson to be Lieut. without purchase; Ensign E. E. Austin to be. Lieut. without purchase ; Co- lour-Sergt. P. Dwyer to be Ensign, without purchase; H. M. Gilnyi Gent. to be En- sign, without purchase, vice Watson. 90th Foot—Lieut. W.-B.-Penne to be Capt. 'by purchase, vice O'Gorman, who retires; Ensign J. S. A. Herford to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Evans, whose promotion by purchase, on lei pee. 104, has been cancelled; Ensign A. A. Moultrie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Persse. 924 Foot —For Lieut. M. Meehan to be Adjt. vice Campbell, promoted, in the Gazette of Aug. 10, read Lieut. M. Mecham. 94th Foot—Lieut. C. W. St. John to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sykes, who retires; Ensign J. B.. Rolls to be Lieut. by purchase, vice St. John. 95th loot—Brevet-Major V. Wing to be Major, without purchase, vice ',Leyland, whose Brevet rank has been concerted into Substantive murk, under the Royal Warrant of Oct 6. 1854; Lieut. E. D. Smith to be Capt. without purchase, vice Wing; Ensign J. H. Waterfall to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Smith.
Rifle Brigade—Ensign C. W. Cragg to be Lieut. without purchase, -rice Boileau, died of his wounds ; Ensign R. B. Booth to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Cragg, whose promotion on the 3d August 1855 has been cancelled, 1st West India Regiment—J. Moffitt, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Robeetson, promoted.
Ceylon Rifle Ile,„eiment—Second Lieut. G. M. Parsons to be Lieut. without pur- chase vice Annesley, promoted in the 18th Foot ; 0. EL Hunter tube Ensign, by purchase, vice Meaden, promoted.
Canadian Rifle Regiment—Lieut. W. H. Shupe to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major Claremont, whose Brevet rank has beeu converted into Substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of 6th Oct. 1854. Saint Helena Regiment—A. J. Kentish, Gent- to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Barnes, promoted.
Provisional Deptit Battalions—To be Lieutenant-Colonels—Brevet-Col. P. Farqu- harson, half-pay, Unatt.; Brevet-Col. J. Grattan, C.B. half-pay, 18th Foot; Brevet- .
Col. E. It. Hill, let West India Regt. , Staff—Brevet-Major .1. E. Addison, half-pay, 97th Foot, to be AssisteQOarter- master-Gen. at Head-Quarters, vice Col. Enoch, dec.
Hospital Staff—Surg. G. 31•Culloch, M.D. from the 5th Drag. Guards, to be Staff-
Surg. of the Second Class, vice Warren, appointed to the 5011 Foot ; Acting Assist.- Surg. P. Kllgour to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Cross, promoted. To be Acting Assist.-Surge.--E. Wilson, Gent.; W. R. Gore, M.D.; J. Kelly, Gent.; T. J. Tucker, Gent. ; E. Nason, Gent. ; S. Fuller, Gent.; T. H. Somerville, Gent.; J. F. Deakin, M.D.; C, E. Le Febure. Gent.: H. Ferguson. Gent. ; P. Di'Elmail, Coot,; J. T. Mitchell, Gent.; S. B. Roe, Gent.; D. Knox, .111.D.; 1.3. Shone, Gent. • L. Herbert, Gent, The appointment of J. Denbolm, Gent. to be Acting Assist.--eurg. has been cancelled from the 12th July 1855, he having resigned the appointment. Erratum in the Gazette of the 10th August 1855—For E. H. Macpherson, Gent. to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class—Read, Surg. E. let Macpherson, formerly of the 54th Foot, has been restored to the service, and appointed Staff;Surg. of the Second Class, from the 10th August 1855.
To Colonels in the Army for distinguished service, under the Royal Warrant of Oct. 6, 1854—Lieut--Col. It. Wilbraham, half-pay Unatt. ; Lieut.-Col. A, Borten, C.B. of the 9th Foot.
To be Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army—Major P. L. 31‘Dougall, half-pay Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. To be Majors in the Army—Capt. J. G. IL Aplin, 28th Foot ; Capt. A. Tremayne, 18th Drags. ; Capt. F. T. Atcherley, 30th Feat; Lieut. and Capt. George Lord Bing ham, Coldstream Guards: Lieut. and Capt. J. A. Conolly, Coldstream Guards ; Capt. H. H. Dowbiggin, 4th Foot ; Capt. A. C. Snodgrass, 35th Foot ; Capt. P. Robertson, 4th Foot. ; Capt. C. T. Bourchier, Rifle Brigade. LieuL-Col. J. E. Dupuis, of the Royal Artillery, to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal Warrant (Ordnance) Nov. 3. `•-, Col. J. E. Dupuis, of the Royal Artillery, to have the local ranleof Brigadier-Gen.
in Turkey.
" The undermentioned officers, having completed three years' actual service in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be Cob. in the army, under the Royal Warrant of the 6th of October 1854—Lieut.-Col. T. J. Valiant, 40th Foot;' Lieut.-CoL F. Adams,.C.11. 28th Foot.
Brevet-Lieut.-CoL,M. J. Western, retired full-pay, 64th Foot, to be Col. in the Army, the rank being honorary only. Brevet-Major C. 11.•Shuckburgli, retired full- pay, Staff-Officer of Pensioners, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army, the Yank treinghono- rary only. Brevet-Major J. Richardson, retired full-pay, etatf-Officer of-Pensioners, to be Lieut.-Col. in the army, the rank being honorer, only. "'
lJnattached-13revet-Major J. H. Burke, of the 118th Foot, -ba have his Brevet rank converted into Substantive rank, Unett. under the Royal Warrant of the 601 October 1854.
Memorandum—Major-Gen. IL C. Bristow, on half-pay, as a Major of 38th Foot, has been permitted to retire from the Army by the sale of a Majority in 60th Foot, TOM 17th August. Turkish Contingent—Capt. F. J. Goldsmid,.of the 37th Foot of Madras Native Infantry, to have the local rank of Major in Turkey, while serving with the Tin kish Contingent.
The undermentioned Gentlemen having been selected for service in the Irregular
Cavalry, under the command of Major-Geneiallleatison, to have local rank in Turkey. while so employed. To have the rank of Captain—W. de Norman. Esq. (attached to the Artillery); Lieut. R. F. Burton, 18th Regiment Bombay Native Infantry. To be Surgeon of the Second Class—A. C. W. Norton, Leg. To be Vetennary Sur- geons, attached to the Horse Artillery—J. K. Lord, Gent.; G. G. Nixon, Gent.
The undermentioned Officers and Gentlemea having been selected for service in
the Force under the command of Major-General Beatson, to have a step of local rank in Turkey, while so employed. To be Majors—Captain G. Rhodes, 94th Foot; C.
T. Wemyss, Esq. late Capt. 17th Foot; E. Shelley. Esq. late Capt. 16th Lancers. To be Captains—J. Cox, Esq. late Lieut. 20 West India Itegt. ;• E.J. Hooey, Est- late Lieut. East India Company's Service.
Hospital Staff—The appointment of Dr. F. Brett as an Acting Stairseurg. ol the First Class, with local rank in Turkey, has been cancelled from the 3d July. British Foreign Legien —In the Gazette of the 10th August for Major and Brevet- Lieut.-Col. J. F. Pamer, &e. read Major and Brevet•Lieut.-Col. J. F. Power,
Royal Chelsea Hospital—In the Gazette of the 10th inst. for Sergt.-Major J. Ferrier to be Quartermaster, read Sergt.-Major J. Farrier. '