The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of
Wales and the Princess Royal, embarked last night on board the Victoria and Albert yacht, lying off Osborne. In the suite of her Majesty were the Marchioness of Ely, Lady Churchill, the Honourable Mary Bulteel, the Marquis of Breadalbane the Marquis of A '
bercorn the Earl of Clarendon, Sir lames Clark, and Mr. Gibbs. Her Majesty passed the night on board her splendid yacht, and at dawn this morning sailed for Boulogne; pre- ceded by the Vivid, Commander Allen, and followed by the Osborne, Captain Sullivan, the Fairy, Captain Crispin and the Admiralty yacht Eagle' Commander Pettey. It was Calculated that her Majesty would reach Boulogne Roads in about five hours. ,The. Royal squadron had been preceded by an escort squadron of men of war under Sir Thomas Cochrane; which gaited from Spithead on Wed- nesday, and arrived yesterday in the Boulogne Roads in time to fire a salute at the moment the Emperor reached the town. The escort squad- ron consists of the following ships—
The Neptune, 120, Captain Hutton (flag). The St. George, 120, .Captain Epee, C.B. The Sanspareil, 71, Captain Woodford J. Williams. The hiss mender Crofton. The Sea Lark, 6, Lieutenant' Lowtber. The Rolle, , ;situ- lecea, 17, Captain Arthur Farquhar. The Itosamond,6, Cora-
tenant Fenwick. The Fire Queen despatch yacht, leaster-Cothiniiii r'Priut Lord Cowley has arrived at Boulogne from Paris.
The following programme of :Queen Victoria! proceedings during her stay in France has been published by the..eforning Post. Saturday,l&—Progress through Paris and arrival at St. Cloud, as al- ready announced in theMmiteur.
"Sunday, 19.—Rest; at six, dinner en &Mille; at half-past nine, concert of the Conservatoire de Musique (sacred music): "Monday, 20.—At nine, breakfast at St. Cloud; at half-past ten, start in
carriagee for Paris ; at eleven visit to the Exposition of Fine:Allessat,tyo, lunch at the Elyeee ; at half-Past two, reception of the Corps HiPIS.9091119„.; at three, visit to the Sainte Chapelle, and drive on the Boulevards; stkhalk pest fire' ,retum to St. Cloud; at six, rest ; at eight,. dioner'of sixty cptiqs ; at nine, theatricals at St. Cloud. Representation of the TheStre Fran aft:
"Tuesday, 21.—At nine, breakfast at St. Cloud ; at half-past ten, a or Versailles ; at two, lunch at Trianon ; at half-past three, return Coed ; at half-past four, rest ; at half-past six, dinner en famine; at half-past seven, start from St. Cloud ; at eight, visit to the Grand Opera:
" Wednesday, .22.—Breakfast at St.. Cloud ; at half-past ten, start for Paris ; at eleven; -Visit" to the Universal Exhibition; ' at:tive,-eunch at the Tuileries; at half-past four' return to St. Cloud ; at five, rest ; at eight, dinner of sixty covers at St. Cloud ;. at nine, theatricals at St. Cloud by the artisteasSf the'nftetre_ilu Gymnase (Le File de Fatal/le). " Thursday, 23.—At nine, breakfast at St. Cloud; at balf7pest tepKvisit of Prince Albert (alone) to the Exhibition; at half-past ofie,-tini 'Queen to start for Paris ; at two,_luncli at the Tuilenes; at half-past two, visit to the Picture Galleries of the Louvre; at ,five, rest ; at seven, dinner en femiele at the Tuileries; at nine, grand ball at. the Illitalde Ville. "Friday, 24.—At nine, breakfast at St.. Cloud; at eleven, start for Fails; at half-past eleven, grand review in the Champ de Mars; at two, lunch at the Ecole Militaire ; at. half-past two, visit to the Hetet deisInvalides; at half-past.threte, sisit to the Universal Exhibition ; at half-past' five, rest ; at seven, dinner en famille-at the Tuileries; at half-past eight, visit to the Opera Comique,.(Aubees froide.e).
" Saturday, 26.—Breakfast at St. Cloud ; at eleven, start for St. Germaine, and drive in the forest; at three, return teSt. Cloud ; at four; test; at seven,
dinner en famille. - "Suieday, 26.—Rest.
"Monday, 27.—Departure for England."