&rove Biensiverii . r i alnalri l etuttioidi
Government Securities this week have undergone some moderate fltiettia•s
tions, and have occasionally'shoivn firmness, nail:tied. by &Vein-able aretther Cud depression in the Corn-market ; but there has been no-permanent Sm provement, owing to an increase in the demand for money notwithstandtit the repayment of the surplus deposits to the applicants for the French Lo - Exchequer Bills have consequently fallen 7s. On Wednesday, Consols adS vancedand were done at 911 for Money, on the report of our naval aliment at Sweaborg.: they have since receded; partly through preparations for Os* payment of deposits' on -the new -Turkish 'Loan, and to an extension in edit./ mercial transactions : the large shipments of specie to the East on secourtit of the war, at a time when the arrivals ifelithited, has also an infliience,_
Today, Consols have been I and have been done at 90k: they hat* thrice recovered, and leave off at 91 1, and 911 for the Account. Bath( Bto4 is 1 better. Three per cent is now paid for loans on GovernmthitiSteutitiee; and out of doors discounts rule at the Bank rate. The specie froth Anierit this' week amounts to 130,0001.
The returns of the Bank of France for the past monthexhibit some peeti=E
liar changes connected with thepayments/deihe loin.' The bullion in tlii;• previous return stowed a -diminution -of- 3,340,000L ''-there is new akeLe- covery of 1,000,000/4 while thenote cfrealation tute",tihititthed- 2,0601,00*
The TiCrieurYriceotint has increased 8,000,000/. '
Foreign Stocks have been firm. Danish per Cobb'ars,2, Brethliail4 Dutch Two-and-a-half, and Turkish, are 111114th: .1F1encvl8etipq's premium. On Wednesday therewas a numeitatiesitterideeltEtheOttoin Embassy to receive the particulara of the ternie Ort-which"the new Ti Loan is to be issued. Theta were stated by presence of the representatives-of the Engliah.'647.thiaili -Gerestireenegiithei, Governor and •Deputy-Governor of the ItanIt'"cirEnglaild; Mid sevee4 eminent capitalists: The principal points 'whkym-pcie lean be be fess, 5,000,000/ ; the interest 'I per cent. per athiniii;litiyable on the let: -412 February and let of August, until the capital -be redeetileds.. dais" lug-fund-of I per cent per annum, and interest en so 'much of 'theleittlith. shall be periodically redeemed, will be applied in redemption of capital: the, interest and sinking-fund are to be charged on the revenues of -:Turkey, an& on the yearly amount of the tribute of Egypt remaining over after previding for the existing 6 per cent loan of 3,000,000/, and on.theCustemeot.Gmyrneo. and Syria : the interest is guaranteed by England and France : the inst menta to be made at the following periods-40 per cent on or before August, 20 on 12th September, 20 on October,. 16 on 234,November, 10,j on 14th December,', 10 on 1st January 1856, and 10 percent on the -25til oJ that month : no discount allowed for payments in :.advanse : the :sinking..., fund will be applied- annually, Commencing on the 1st August loy, in .buying up the certificates of the-lean-in the-market, or in paying off at.i. par certificates that are drawn by lots - subsoil:hos:foe the loan must. enter into a contract for payment of the instalments. , ¶laeOttsnianAitheteswills receive tenders at the BankofEngland wliiehmustbe presented at eleven o'clock on Monday the 20th instant.- NotwitTit dirig that the terms to be, offered are unknown, the Scrip Inisibeendealtin 2 to 3 premium; adrenal.- stance that has occasioned much surprise, as iliere may be several competing parties. for the lode, and its real value therefore -is very doubtful. . Rothschild gave notice yekteedaythat applicatiens will he received up. four'sioloek this afternoon.' Messrs. Palmer andGoldemid will also -Teems:ft applications up to twelve o'clock tomorrow's: in each ease they maid be ace Companied by a deposit of 10-per cent, Iisltailwaya, the unfavourable impression conveyed by the report of th Great Western Company through its oonnexion with the Shrewsbury lin caused . general heaviness on hiotalaY..314 a scarcity- of Stock upon the settlement' of the Account onNedneaditfled to a reaction, and there hiiiii been since 's: better feelin.g U• Greet Western large sales are oceisionalr made, after a. considerable i--,todarthe stock has been as low as closing at 501 6. London &Worth-Western is.,16k 7 ex dividend. .Iri- French-Shares' very' little diftlitehe'Slias ocetireel.os!:st, ?s- TWELTZ OVL0011.- The English Funds ere filial:A.-this morning, as the public have heed buying 'freely upon •thili ' intelligence received -yesterday of the defeat. of Lipminli's army in the Crimea. Consols are now 91j 1 for Money and 911 t for the Amount. Exchequer Bills 13 17.1 The bullion return by the Bar* of England shows an .rnerease..of 43,6611. In Foreign' Stocks, Turkish about 4.better ; it has been done at 941 1. . Railways are . stronger,, and there is a. disposition to pure ase—Great Southern and West (Ireland), 1051;. Great Western, 56; Midland, 71k; North Staffordsh* 101; South Wales, 31. '
. eAteeDAY, ONE. teciatitifw
The English Funds have been 1 lower since the morning, but iliwits res covered. Consols for Money closing at 911 1, eadlor.Aecount 9114. E.x., chequer Bills 13 17. •- Annuities April 17U51 have been done at ..M.16-16.: In k'oreign Stocks general steadiness has prevailed ; transactions hate taken, place in Baena Ayres at 57, Granada Deferred hi. and. Turkish 941 6 4. , -... In Railways little alteratien has occurred, and businesehas beenlimited=:- Bristol.end Esetor; 92; East Lanca.shire, 74; Gi;e at Norgiern, 90i ; Ditto A Stock; 70; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,)- 1061; ' Great Western, 061; - Lancashire an&Yorkshire, 841; London,. Brightog, _.and South Coast, 99; London and North-Vestern,' 97; London and Soutb-lirettern, 86; Mid- land, 72 ; North-Eastern—Bererick,' 74 ; Ditto York, 491 "-North -Stafford; ehire, ICII ; South-Eastern,-,m; South' Wales, 31; Buekinglianishire, 971p;.' Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 , per cent, 136; North British, 1041 ; ,Antwerp and Rotterdam, 10; Great Western of Canada, 2444, Madras Guaranteed, 41per cent, 20; Namur and Liege, (with interest,M Sambre and Meuse, 91. Mines—Brazilian Imperial Coates and Geisha, 3ks Cohne Copper, 61; United Mexican, ai. Joint Stock Banka—Australasian, 95; London, 351; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 20 ; London and Westminster, 471. Miscellaneous--Cryetal Palace, 21; General Steam Na- vigation, 271; North British Australasian, t ; Royal Mail Steam, 80; Scot'. tish Australasian Investment, It; South Australian Land, 36t -'
3 per,Caiit.Cousols .......... 911: 1 . Danish 3 per Cents 00 0 Ditteiforlecount -' '' " 91 ' - Dutch 21 per Cente 3 per Cent Reduced 4,- - Ditto 4 per Cents .-gr.3 ruts vit New 3 per cents --ss.; 92 3 _ Mexican 3 per Cents ..:12*("14T#4:14. Ditto s per Cents ' ialligib Leek Alleeijigg■ . i . , . • , , , . Peruvian 44 per Cents Bank Stock...,,..,. ' 21 14 Austrian 6 perVentsi.......i . 81 3, ...., Ditto 44 per Cents- ..., ' .64: Exchequer mar; .' . . ........ .. - is f: Portuguese 4 -per Cents India Stock '.-.A.V.i:':... i . ' 230-4 P " , Russian 5 per Cents Bnuilian 5 per Cents ....4... 10Lisk . Spanish 3 per Cents ...7.,..: Zit a f Rvin 4i per Cents es. S' Ditto Deferred :./V:. 18i 19 Di/cilia, 3 per Cents ifir sl :-. saroinian 3 per Cents .:=1", .. P: 136 .8 '-1118 5 Swedish 4 per Cents ....,.... 137 90 Cbitian e per Cents
RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS. setertty,srfeihe expenditure had been moderate: 62,722/. bad been ex- pended on the Exeter and Crediton Railway, and 117,6051. on the North Devon,-lines that were open for traffic, and would soon pay a dividend : the traffic on the former had increased to 221. per mile per week. The report was adopted, and a dividend was declared of 41. 78. 6d. per aimurn.
The report of the London and Blackwell Company shows that the revenue for the half-year to 30th June, including 385/. from the last account, was 3.5,7071., and the expenditure 16,813!.; leaving a profit of 18,8941. Deduct- ing 3774/. for interest on debentures, it left 15,120/. for division. The di- vidend proposed was 23. 9d. per share; carrying over 114/. There has been a diminution of 18691. in receipts for passengers-traffic compared with the same time last year. The expenditure on capital account to the 30th June was 1,631,9544 ; being 54,8091. over the receipts. At the meeting on Tues- day the report was adopted. In the Great Western Railway report it is stated that the receipts to 30th June amounted to 647,7674, and the expenditure to 285,1261.; balance, 362,6411. To this is added the amount from the last account, and dividends received on the South Wales, South Devon, and Gloucester and Dean Forest Railway Shares held by the Company. After various deductions, including 34,406/. to meet deficiency, on the Shrewsbury lines, the disposable balance is 89,6981. The dividend will be at the rate of 2 per cent per annum ; leaving 73364 for next account. The revenue account of the Shrewsbury lines amalgamated with the Great Western shows that the receipts were 96,8331., and the expenses 67,8831.; balance, 28,9501. To this is added 34,4061. charged in the Great Western account to make up the deficiency; making a total of 63,3561., appropriated in payment for interest on debentures, loans, and dividends on Preference and other shares. The debenture statement of the Great Western Company showed that they had borrowed 9,947,1681.: the increase in the borrowed money during the half-year was 643,7571. At the meeting at Bristol on Thursday, the report was adopted. It was stated that the decrease dividend arose through the amalgamation with the Shrewsbury Companies and the extension of their line from Birmingham to Wolverhampton. The amalgamation with the Shrewsbury Companies obliged them to guarantee to their shareholders a Preference dividend of 31 per cent ; the profits on the latter falling short of 31 per cent by 34,000/.
The North-Eastern Company, at their meeting on the 23d instant, will re- commend a dividend at the rate of 3f per cent on the Berwick Stock, 2 per cent on York Stock, and 6 per cent on Leeds Preference Quarter-Shares.
At the half-yearly meeting of the London and North-Western Company, on Wednesday,-the Marquis of Chandos in the chair,-the report was agreed to. Allusion was made to a considerable falling-off in passengers-traffic ; which compared with the same period of last year had been from 704,0001. to 680,000/.,-attributed to the severity of the weather at the commence- ment. of the half-year, increased taxation on account of the war affecting railway travelling, and the opening throughout of the Great Western Com- pany's extensions to the North. The bill for amalgamating the North Staffordshire with this Company has been rejected by Parliament, for the third time. The dividend declared was 21. 71. 6d. per cent, amounting to 535,8651. Is. 2d. ; carrying over a balance of 69501. ls. 6d.