Great efforts are being made to restore the Norwich Festival to its pristine splendour in the days when Norwich divided the palm with Bir- mingham. There have been full rehearsals in London of the two new works prepared for it ; Moliques Oratorio, Abraham, and Benedict's Cantata, Undine ; both of which are evidently productions of the highest order. The magnificent organ in St. Andrew's Hall, is undergoing alterations which will materially improve it as an accompanying instru- ment; and the orchestra has been rendered more commodious for the performers. The committee of management have intimated that they have been unable to engage Mademoiselle Titiens and Signor GiugHni, in consequence of "the extravagant demands made by those through whom alone these singers can be engaged,"—meaning, of course, Mr. Lumley
and Mr. Smith, the late and present lessees of Her Majesty's Theatre. engagement of Italian opera-singers at our great provincial festivals, which and Signor Belletti. For our part, we attach no great importance to the But the committee add, that they have engaged Madame Borghi-Mamo ' ought to be chiefly devoted to descriptions of music in which such singers are entirely useless.