BR ITI SH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Sarard. Monday. Tuesday. Irednet.
Fr .day.
Spec cent Consols
93,1 93 93 974
Ditto for Account
93. 911 93 921 93 3 per Cents Reduced
931 034 931 1431. 93/ New 3 per Cents 03/ 931 934 031 93 931 Annuities 1880
Annuities 1883
— --
Rank Stock, 9-per Cent
232 -- 2304 232 231 232 India Stock, 104 per Cent
its 217 217- 2161 2181 Exchequer Bills, 114. per diem 0 pm. 3 6 6 2 4 Exchequer Bonds, 5001
3 6 0 2 4 India Bondi 4 per Cent
4 dia. - —
(Last Oacial Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
French 41 p.Ot.
Belgian :rt.
-- Mexican 3 —
Ditto 14— —
Peruvian 41 —
Brazilian I — 100
Portaguese 1853 a —
Buenos Ayres s — 88 Russian 8 —
Milian 4 —
103 Sardinian 6 —
Danish 6 — 101
(famish 3 —
Ditto 3 — —
Ditto New Deferred 8 — 444
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) .11/ — 85 Ditto Passive
Ditto 4 — ---
Turkish.... s — French $
— Venezuela 3 — 02 SHARES.
(Last °Metal Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) RAILWATS-- flAres-
Bristol and Exeter 105 Australasian
Caledonian 941 British North American 541 Chester and Holyhead 521 City 66 Eastern Counties 631 Colonial 361 Edinburgh and Glasgow 801 Commercial of London
Glasgow and South-Western ...
Engl. Australian Chtd. 151 Great Northern 1171 London III Great South. and West. Ireland.
London and County
Great Western 72 London Chrtd. Bak. Of Australia 231 Lancashire and Yorkshire 1091 London Joint Stock 281 Lancaster and Carlisle
London and Westminster 53 London,Brighton,ff South Coast 1101 National Think
London and Blackwell 70 National Provincial 981 London and North-Western.... 1021 New South Wales
London and South Western.... 95 Oriental 431 Manchester, Shefileldot Lincoln. 423 Ottoman 18 Midland 1391 Provincial of Ireland 88 Midland Great Western (Ireland)
South Australia 201 North British 641 Union of Australia 421 North-Eastern—Berwick 101 Union of London 25 North-Eastern—York 851 Unity
Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton —
Scottish Central - East and West India
Scottish Midland
London ss South Eastern and Dover 89 St. Katherine
Eastern of France
Victoria 971 Bart Indian 991
Geelong and Melbourne
Australian Agricultural
Grand Trunk of Canada 30/ British American Land
Great Indian Peninsular 961 Canada
Gre-t Western of Canada 125 Crystal Palace $0/ Paris and Lyons 341 Electric Telegraph • 101/
Mists- General Steam
151 Austmilan
London Discount
Brazilian Imperial
National Discount
Ditto St. John del Rey 27 Peninsular and Oriental Steam. 76 Cobra Copper
Royal Mail Steam so Rhymney Iron
South Australian
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 52, for the week ending on Wednesday the 15th day of Aug. 1800. ISSUE DEPAISSMENT.
Notes Issued 129,292,275 Government Debt 411,013,100 Other Securities 3,439,900 Gold Coln and Bullion 14,807,273 Silver Bullion £29,282,275 £28,282,270
Proprietors 'Capital /14,553,000 Government Securities( Lucia . Rest 3,520,931 ding Dead WeIghtAnnuity). /9,804,273 Public Deposits' 5,950,219 Other Securities 19,388,731 Other Deposits 12,792,434 Notes 7,700,380 Seven Days and other Bills . 770,251 Gold and Silver Coln 710.474 . _ £37,592,881 137,592,881 • Including Exchequer, Saving-lianks,Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Rect.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard Mexican Dollars Silver in Bars, Standard Per oz.
£3 17 9 0 5 111 0 5 14
METALS. Per ton.
Copper, Brit. Cakes AIM 10 0 .. Iron, Welsh Bars.,., 5 0 ..
Lead, British Pig ... 13 10 0 .. Steel, S wedish Keg.. 19 0 6 10 7 21 . 9 80 0 0 10 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Aug. 17.
8. a i 8. 8. a I.
Wheat,R. O. 52 to58 I Fine 57 to II Fine 6810 72 Fine 56-60 I Poreign,R. 02-60 Peas, Hog... 32 — 37 Red, New 52 —54 1 White F. 04-67 Maple .... 38 — 38 Fine 51-56I Rye 30-34 White .... 37-40
White Old 56-80 i Barley 20—Si Blue 0 0
Pine 60-62 ; Malting .. 0— 0 Beans, Ticks 34-40 New 52-57 ' Malt, Ord... 08-63 Harrow... 42-46
Indian Corn. 33 to 36 Oats, Feed.. 21-34 Sine.... 24 — 25 Poland ... 21-25 Fine.,.. 10-20 Potato ... .29-28
Fine 211 — 30
For the Week ending Aug. 11.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat 59s. 83. Rye 41s. 93. Wheat . . Mx 10d. I Rye 415. led, Barley 34 0 Beans 46 I 6
Barley .... 33 4 1 Beans 44 4
26 1 Peas 41
0 Oats 26 2 1 Peas 41 3 FLOUR.
Town Inside per sack 518. to 57..
Batter—Best Fresh, 138. Od. dos.
seconds 43 — 48 Carlow, Of. Os. tool. Ox per cwt.
Essex andfluffolk, on board ship 4 I —44 Bacon. Irish per cwt. 78s. — 80s.
Norfolk and Stockton 40 — 42 Cheese, Cheshire, tne 80 —50 American per barrel 30 — 32 Derby, pale 70 — 78 Canadian 30 — 32 Hams, York 78 — 91 Bread. 714. to 94. the 41b. loaf. Eggs, Preach, per ISO, is. 94. to filo. 64 BUTCHERS' MEAT.
PiztvoAtis ARO LEADENEALL.• CIVE1111 4. 4. a. d a. d. a. d. a. d.
Haab or CaTTLI •T rsa Careen- Beef... 3 4104 0 to 4 6 .... 4 8 to 5 2 to
Monday. Thursday.
Mutton 4 4 — 4
8-30 .... 4
10 — 5 8 —
Beasts., 4,426
1,163 Veal... 3 8 — 4 0 — 4 8 .... 4 8 — 5 0 — 4 Sheep ..24,230 10,740 Pork .. 4 4-3 0 — 5 4 .... 4 64 8 —
Calves.. 287 853 Lamb. 0 — 5 0 — 6 4 .... 5 0 — 0 —
Pigs ... 300 180
• To sink the offal, per
Weald of Kent Pockets 105s. to 1408. Down Tegs per lb. SOd. to Sid. Mid and East Kent ditto 120 180 Half-bred Wethers 181 — HI Sussex ditto 100 147 Leicester Fleeces IS —. 10
Farnham ditto 0 0 Combing Skins 14 — IS
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 88 Trusses.) Se 'Terms. Warrscnerst. Oversznr6 nu.
758. to 85, 1008. to 108, 112s. to 120s.
80 70 0 — 0 SS — 100
GO — 00 o 0 50-90 95 — 123 116 — 128 120 — 130 30 38 37 40 38 — 45 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw GROCERIES.
Tea,SOuchOng,floe,pern. 7.s. Od. to 31. Od. Congou, fine 2 0 —2 2 Pekoe, flowery 3 0 —2 0 In bond—Duty! 64. per lb.
(I off es,fine inbond) cwt 110s. Od. to 96.04,
Good Ordinary 818. 04. tons. Od Cocoa,Trinidad (In bond) 708.04. to 928. 04
Rice, Arne. dr.Cerolina 228.04. to Ids. 61 Sugar, Muscovado average.. Os. 04. West India Molasses 1158. 6d. to 28.64. POTATOES.
Kent and Essex Regents ton . Os. to Os. Shims
York Regents 0 0
Scotch 0 - 0
- MISCELLANEOUS. Jamaica Rum.... per gaL 48. 8.1. to is
Brandy, Best Brands It 10 — 0
Cotton, N. Orleans.per lb 0 31 — 0 Saltpetre, Ref... .per cwt 12 — 42 Guano, Perurian.perton 280 — 0
Tallow P. Y. C.. .per cwt . $4 — 0
Town 53 — 0 Rape Oil, English refined 13 — o
Brown 41 —12
Linseed Oil 28 — 26
Ocrena-nitt Oil 41 -••• 47
Pam 011 MI --, 46 Linseed 011-eake, per ton 160 — 0 Coals Hatton 10 — 0
— s 4.