Practical Hints on Shooting. By "20-Bore." (Began Paul and Co.)—The
advice which " 20-Bore " gives on the subject of guns is not of a nature to render much assistance to a would- be sportsman. Instead of enlarging on the merits of various patents, a gun of simple pattern should have been thoroughly explained, and details of price, &c., more thoroughly entered into. The novice, we take it, wishes to learn to shoot straight before anything else. Nor can we agree with the writer as to the economy of shooting as a sport, at least as recommended by him. To begin with, the novice must have a gun built for himself; and then what more does he want than a thousand acres or so, a couple of keepers, two or three brace of dogs, &c. ? We agree with the writer that it ought to be enough. Other suggestions show an equal disregard for economy. His remarks generally on shooting and sport betoken a keen and we may say a thorough sportsman, if we except his desire to begin flapper- shooting earlier. We cannot, however, admire his style or his method, and we do not think they are in any way likely to be of much use in furthering his aim.