[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—The reception given to my book, English Diaries, published. last April, and now going into a second edition, has encouraged me to complete the study of Diaries in the United Kingdom by a further collection of English Diaries and a series of Scottish and Irish Diaries. I shall be obliged, therefore, if I• may take advantage of the hospitality of your columns to ask any of your readers who know of British or Irish Diaries of any interest, either printed or in manuscript, kindly to inform me of the name and date of the book, or the name and address of the possessor of the manuscript. The diarist must not be living, and mere memoranda, engagement books or accounts will not be worth noting ; nor will it be necessary to mention diaries contained in the volumes of learned Societies, as these can be discovered without difficulty.
—I am, Sir, &c., ARTHUR PONSONBY. Shulbrede Priory, Haslemere.