The Liverpool Standard points a convention between Captain Tucker of
the Queen's ship Iris, and King Pepple and the Chiefs of the Bonny dominions, for the suppression of the slave-trade throughout those dominions. Great Britain undertakes to pay the King 10,000 dollars a year for five years. The list of witnesses to the convention is curious- " Signed in the presence of M. Blount, Lieutenant commanding her Ma- jesty's ship Pluto; W. 'Webster, Second Lieutenant of her Majety's ship Iris ; Thomas E. Symonds, additional Lieutenant of her Majesty's ship Iris ; Robert Graham, Assistant Surgeon to her Majesty's ship Iris ; Christopher Jackson, ship Hesperus. King George, Jack Bro wn, Old Indian Queen, Jew Jew Guam', Anna Pepple, Dappo Pepple, Ogea Africa, Jem Bonny, Tom Tom, John Africa, Long Bristol, Gran Bonny, Jew Jew Peter, Captain Hart, Ma- nilla Pepple, King Holiday, Parliament Gentleman, Allison, Black Foobra, Jungo, Young Anna Pepple."
The high contracting parties on one side were all "marksmen."