Star Gazing
Small cumulus clouds were overhead as I went out in the morning.. I admired them, thinking it might have been a summer sky. During the day even the little clouds dis- appeartd, and in the evening, when the stars came out, the sky was completely clear. I stood for a while looking for the Pole Star, gazing at the Plough, the Great Bear and the stream of small stars spread across the heavens. I have never been able to keep track of the constellations of the night sky to the south. These things are, alas, beyond me. In winter I can find Orion and in summer the Lyre because they are prominent, but 1 have often thought it is a good thing I have never had to steer anything other than a car by starlight, for a ship might never come home if it depended on my knowledge of the heavens. This is a sad confession when I add that my maternal grandfather was at sea in the days of graceful sailing ships.