Gallo° Gurray!
From Colonel Aram Bakshian Sir: 'View Gallool,' your Christmas offering by Mr Jasper Budenny (November 27), has evoked the following response from an anonymous member of the local Tsarist community, a gentleman who followed the hounds with some avidity during his pre-1917 student days in England. I thought I would pass it along to you: Gumph and Gumbug, Budenny, Gow could, in Geaven's name, A gapless gorseman like yourself, Such gonoured sport defame?
Gast thou no sense of manners, man?
Was this some gideous goax Thought you that this was gumorous?
For less have they gung folks!
So, gurtle gome to Muscovy, Take, too, your gopeless Gs, And, if you'd gave forgiveness, beg, On gumbly bended knees!
Arm Bakshian
3400 Macomb Street, NW Washington, DC, USA