We stated last week, that it was intended by the
French Go- vernment to send a body of troops to Ancona; the report was sub- sequently contradicted ; it turns Out, however, to be well-founded. 'The avowed object of this measure is the settlement of the present internal disputes in Italy. The Journal des Debats, the organ of the present Ministry, takes high ground on the occasion, and de- clares the right of intervention to be now a settled maxim in Eu- ropean international law. The propriety of this newly-acquired right, like many others, depends much On the manner of its exer- cise. No writer, from HORACE downward, has ever doubted that a man ma yl justly interpose to prevent the 'burning of his neigh- bour's house, where his own is in danger of being burned along with it.. But there is great doubt if this right of intervention ought to extend to the education and discipline of our neighbour's children,—though Lord ELDON has decreed such interference to be good Equity law, at least where they have any,umney to pay for the interference. The case of nations is similar. France may prevent Italy from injuring France while intending only to injure herself; the question is, do the quarrels of the Pope and the Bo- loateie threaten such injury? In important alteration in the French tonnage dues has been just announced—they are lowered on British vessels from 4f. 12e. to If. 5 Oc.—that is, from 3s. 6d. to Ls. ad.