18 FEBRUARY 1843, Page 21


3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account ..

3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Coate Reduced New 31 per Cents Loug Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent. ..,

India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills. 2d. per diem 65 pm.

India Bonds, 31 per cent 64 pm.



Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cato Branca Candouga Cobre Copper


Cheltenham and Great Western Eastern Counties

Grand Junction

Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton

London and Blackwall-..

Loudon and Greenwich London and Birmingham London and Croydon MancheAt r and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western METALS.

Copper, British Cakes.per ton 851.0s. to 0 0 0

Iron, British Bars 3 5 0- 0 0 it Lead, British Pig 17 5 0- 17 10 0 Steel, English 0 0 0- 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, February 17.

We continue to receive moderate supplies of every description of Grain, and the at- tendance of dealers geuerally being very limited, there is only a small extent of boot- uess doing. The supplies of English Wheat arc less than usual, and the few samples left over from the beginning of the week being coarse and inferior. with difficulty realize previous prices. Fine qualities, however, continue steady. In Foreign Wheat the transactions are very limited, owing to the absence of country demand, and there is scarcely any variation in prices since Monday. Beans and Peas have experienced uo material alteration.

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat 48s, Id I Rye 20. ••cl Wheat 20.. Id.1 Rye Ils.eld.

Barley 27 0 Beans . .. . 27 9 Barley 9 0 Beans 11 6 Oats. ...... .... 16 11 Peas. 29 1 I Oats 0 0 Peas 11 6.


Kent Pockets-- .. ..... . ......... 75s. to 84s. York Reds pert. n 60s. to Choice Ditto ISO 120 Ware 0 - 0

Sussex Pockets 72 - 80 Middling 0 - 0

Superfine Ditto 82 85 Chats 0 -. 0

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


864 . 955 60..... 00s• .... Os-. Os 73s . 849.

70 .. 78 0 .. 0 0 ,.

88 112 73 . 105

48 .. 54 41 .. 50 0 .. 0 40 45


BUTTER-Beet Fresh, 16, Od. per doz. Carlow, 31.16.. tti41. 18s. per cot. BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... O.. to Os. CHEESE. Cheshire 545.'0 74.. Derby Plain 455. to 581.

HAMS, York 6s. to 746. EGGS, French... per 120 5.. 6d. to Be. 01.



Beef 2s. 4d to 31. 2d. to 8.. 10d. 2.. 8d. to 3.. lid to 4.. 41 Mutton 2 0 .. 3 6 .. 3 8 ... ..... 2 le .. 3 4 .. 4 6

Veal 54..40 .. 5 0 3 10 .. 4 0 .. 5 ft Pork 2 6 .. 3 4 . 4 6 3 10 .. 4 0 .. 4 8

Lamb 0 0 .. 0 0.. 0 0 ... .... 0 0 .. 0 V .. 0 0

a To sink the offal-per Bibs.

HEAD OF CKITLE AT SMITHFIELD, Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Ties.

1:, 2,601 25,490 757 2.546


86 351 833


TEA, Hobe., fine, p. lb. Os. 04. - 1 0.

Coogan, One ...... 1 10 - 2 3

So uchong, fine 6 -8 0 a In Bond-Duty 25. Id. per lb. COFFEE, flue On bd) per cwt. 116s. to Ms Good Ordinary Ms. to 705. S UG AR, Iduxovado. per cis-Lei...71d. West India Molasses... z45 to ID%

ion during the Week ending Friday Evening.)' t. 65 ' Mexican 5 p. Ct. - ! Ditto (Deferred) 5 - I Michigan 6 1031 ! Mississippi (Sterling) 6 761 Neapolitan - - Ohio 26 New York (1855) 6 5 - - 801 , Pennsylvania 5 - 234 ' Peruvian 6 86 Portuguese 3 5911. Ditto 5 103 Ditto (New) 5 - Russian 5 121f. 50c Spanish 5 23 Ditto (Passive) - Ditto (Deferred) - ISouth Carolina 5 p. Ct. 95 I Tennessee 6 - - United States Bank -- Virginia 5 SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) (Last Official Quotat Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. C Arkansas (1863) 6 - Austrian 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6 Cuba 6 Chiliati 6 Columbian of 1824 6 Danish 3 -

Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 24 -

Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 - Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 6 - Illinois 6 - Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 -

hfarylatid 6 -1Iassachussetts (Sterling)5 -

30; 81 80 67 18

68 441 116 191 4 111 871

Wheat, ItedNew44 t o 46

Flue 48 .. St

White 86..40

Fine 40 .. 43

SuperfineNew42 413

Old .36..40 Rye 32 to 34 Earley.... 23 .. 24

Malting 27 .. 29 Malt, Ordinary 46 .. 50

Fine 50..52 Peas, Hog 29 .. 33 Maple 30 to 31 Oats, Feed ... 17 to 18 White 30 .- 8? Fine IS .. 19 Boilers 32 . 34 Poland 19 . m.

Beans, 'Deka .. 26.. 47 Fine 20 . >2 Old 28 .. 29 Potato St .. 02 Harrow 28 .. St Fine ..„, 22 .. 23

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes.

941 991 951 10g/ 1011 12; 174 941 941 951 102/ 101/ 12; 175 67 941 99; 951 102/ 1011 12; 1751 2681 67 63


951 102* 1014 121 178 268 62 65 Thurs.

951 951 951 1021 1011 121 178 263 63 63 Friday, 95 95 95; 1024 lOill 12; 176




Australasian British North American Colonial London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


East and West India ...

. London St. Katherine


-Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land 7 311 91 931

354 5. 41 206 ex d. 91 721 60 64 221 631

52 91* 221 121 341 421 311 118 es • 911 105 : 34 28 18 BULLION.

Gold, Foreign is Hers .. per oz. 31. 171. 911. Old Spanish, or /WW1/altars.. 0 u 0

Mexican Dollars 0 4 sf Saver in Bars, Standard 0 4 Ili

Hay, Inferior New Clover Straw, Wheat


Town.made................per sack 405, to 455. Seconds........ ........ •. .......... 5) - 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship... 30 - 85

Norfolk and Stockton 28 30 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, One Os. to Os.

BREAD, 50. to 744. the 416. Loaf.

t 13 0 Linseed Oil Cake...... per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, 05.0d. to Os. Od. Mdulds (ed. per doz.discount) Os. Od. COALS, Melton 208.0d.

Tees tr., ed.


ItagfiOil ......... cat 21. Is. :d 0 0 Linseed Oil