Sketches on the Wing. By G. de M. Soares. (Stanford.)—Mr.
Soares:- appears to travel far and wide when he is what he is pleased to call " on the wing." He begins with short flights to Paris, Strasbourg, and Baden ; and then takes a bolder sweep to Carnicobar, which, we may tell our readers, who are scarcely likely to know, is an island in the Indian Ocean, near .the Equator, on the route from Calcutta to Melbourne. Then we learn how he assisted at a great dinner given in San Francisco to the Hon. Mr. Burlingham° and his Mandarins, or, as. we should more properly say, sham Mandarins ; how he managed an oil- well in Wallachia, dug for gold in the goldfields of the Thames—an anti- podean Thames in New Zealand ; and succeeded, at all events—in seeing his frien3s get rich ; all this, and other things, too numerous to mention, Mr. Soares describes in lively and amusing fashion. The " sketches " which first appeared in the Calcutta Englishman, are certainly worth looking at.