18 FEBRUARY 1882, Page 15


[We publish the following extract from a private letter from a Polish lady at Cracow, who has friends and relations at Warsaw, on the authenticity of which we can rely.]

"Cracow, January 6th.

"The day before, all the world was going to the theatre to hear Modjeska, when, at the last minute and when people had already arrived, the theatre was closed by order of the police ; it remains so for an indetermined time, under pretext of danger from fire, but in reality to prevent any gathering under cover of which the Warsaw riots might be repeated. I wonder how the English Press wrote about them. It was quite scandalous the manner in which the soldiers helped in the robbery, and now some officers have been arrested who had tried to sell stolen goods with the help of soldiers. It was clearly a Nihilistic movement, prepared long before, and the Warsaw Press is not allowed to explain, in fact, to speak of it at all."