18 FEBRUARY 1882, Page 2

Sir Henry James made a good speech at Taunton on

Tues- day, when supporting the Liberal candidate, Lord Kilcoursie, in favour of the closure of debate by a majority. He showed that Sir Stafford Northcote had admitted at the end of last Session the extraordinary obstruction with which the House of Com- mons had to deal, and he insisted that this must be removed by some means or other, if legislation is to go on. Of course, the Liberals care much more for legislation going on than Con- servatives. They are in favour of certain great reforms, which become impossible if all business in the House of Commons is blocked ; and they do not want them to become impossible,. while Conservatives look on that contingency with a certain mild satisfaction. None the less, it would be wholly impossible under the New Rules to stop reasonable debate. No Speaker who cared for the House of Commons would for a moment allow it,. and no Minister who attempted it would long remain Minister. But either unreasonable debate must be stopped, or reasonable reforms must come to an end.