18 FEBRUARY 1911, Page 21


[Under this heading we notice mall Boat of the nook ms hay. net less, reserved for revise in other terms.] Essays on Duty and Discipline. (Cassell and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Wo ought to have given an earlier notice of this, the first volume of a series of " Papers on the Training of Children in relation to Sock I and National Welfare." It is full of good sense, and it deals with subjects of the very greatest importance. Let us quote somewhat significant words from an admirable lecture on "The Early Train- ing of Boys in Citizenship," by Bishop Welldoe. It goes to the root of the evil of present-day politics :-- "Nobody can listen to the harangues delivered from political platforms at the present time, whether in behalf of one party or the other, without perceiving how often politicians seek to capture the electorate by holding up before their eager eyes and open mouths the hope of gaining from the State some advantage for themselves. It is not to serve the State but to squeeze the State which is the ambition of modern Citizenship."