When the clergy came to the Communion Service there was
little debate before they adopted the first Rubric in the Alternative Order for the Communion of the Sick. This provides for occasional Reservation in the form of " extended " Communion and does not affect the question of " perpetual " reservation which is the subject of the second Rubric. The discussion was not completed on Thursday, but on Friday the House passed the second Rubric . by which the elements may by the Bishop's licence be reserved generally for the sick. The House added a clause giving to a parish priest the right to appeal from a decision of his Bishop to the Metropolitan in Synod. Then the third Rubric was passed forbidding- any use of the reserved elements for any purpose except the Communion of the Sick. The fourth Rubric was agreed to, after an -amendment of the Dean of Canterbury had been carried by 79 votes to 62, in an altered form by which the elements may be kept in the north or south wall " of any chapel, or if need be, in some other place in the Church approved by the Bishop."
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