In the Garden Garden catalogues—and, indeed, advertisements—are not as a
rule remarkable for individuality. The reason doubtless is that the bulk of gardeners seek the same things. If they want exceptional plants they want the latest novelty which, of course, is usually a variety, not a species. In general, species are disregarded—of tulips, roses, iris and the rest—in all classes where hybridisers have been at work. Yet there is a deal to be said for species ; and I was both surprised and pleased to find one catalogue—from the Portland Nurseries, Shrewsbury—which devotes several pages to rose species, including a favourite of mine, R. moschata floribunda—that I have never before found in a catalogue. Its virtual disappearance has been doubtless due to its extreme lustiness. It is best, perhaps, when given the chance to climb a tree in the semi- wild. It is worth notice that several of the species of rose have sweet- smelling leaves, for example, R. setipoda of the moysii type, which should be in every garden in some form or other.