[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, March 1st. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the, following issue.)
1. Quality of the objects for which gate-crashers seek. (13.) 8. Those who make a raid fun must be. (8.) 9. Smuggled Benedictine, but not methodically. (6.) 12. Contagious in " A Midsummer Night s Dream." (4.) 13. The boojum, perhaps. (5.) 14. Shortly nameless. (4.) 17. Tennyson's airy, fairy character. (6.) 18. Edmund not Herbert. (7.) 20. Thus, but not only in this case, are verdicts delivered. (7.) 22. He performs a little surgery on a scalp. (6.) 25. " Unhappy -, whose common breath's a sigh Which they would stifle " (Wordsworth). (4.) 26. Hurry on, there's no railway ! (S.) 27. " Why don't the men propose, - ? " (Bayly). (4.) 30. The stop that this supplies is generally a full stop. (6.) 31. To do this will twist Zeno a bit. (8.) 32. Do these warlike people expect to be fed and entertained ? (8, 5.)
2. Message. (7.) 3. " True she -; but in her own grand way " (Tennyson). (4.) 4. The essential part of sovereigns, of course. (6.) 5. Something to carry on with. (4.) 6. News of the ebb and flow ? (7.) 7. Fourfooted county drink. (7, 5.) 10. A refreshing draught to dig for. (7, 5.) 11. Sally, Sampson's sister. (5.) 15. Facing-both-ways. (S.) 16. A round of golf. (5.)
19. A Persian cat might have looked at him. (5.)
21. Knight of Charlemagne, steward of Shakespeare. (7.) 23. Talk about a South American city is a going concern. (7.) 24. The sort of farewell that would have suited Juliet. (2, 4.) 28. " There is no truce with Adam-zad, the - that looks like a man (Kipling). (4.) 29. Celebrated for harping. (4.)