The New Monthly Magazine, No. CLVII. January 1834. Cams. PCI,LIC Economy,
Public Expenditure apart from Taxation; or Remarks on the Inadequate and Ex-
cessive Pay of Public Servants. By Daniel %Val:acid junior, Esq. For. MILITARY HISTORY. Refutation or Aspersions ou " Stuart's Three Year iu North America." By James Smart. E sq Whittahr and Co.
Birmitighatri and ita Vic; nit y. as a Manufarturing and Commercial District. Ily W. Ilawkes Smith. NVith numerous Illustrations engraved on Steel. No. I. Tut. JUVENILE 111.7A DI NO,
the I iarden,r. lay Charles Cowden Clarke, Author of " Tales its Prose from Chaucer."