The address in the French Chambers has been carried, by
a majority of 268 to 43. The Due DE BROGLIE, who made such an egregious blunder in first giving his decided approval to M. BLGNON'S speech on the foreign policy of France, and then explaining away the obvious meaning of what he said, has since given in his resignation; but has been prevailed upon by the
King to resume his post. He went too far forward in the first, and too far backwards in the second instance ; and thus damaged his colleagues and himself in both.
M. II umarsN, the Minister of Finance, has opened his budget for tha year 1835. The estimated expenditure is 41,200,0001.; the revenue only 39,860,0001,; so there is a deficit of about 1,340,000/. There are also some arrears, which, with the deficit, will require a loan of 3,000,000/.