The Queen Regent of Spain and leer Ministers arc in
great consternation at the proceedings of the Liberals of Catalonia and Old Castile. The inhabtants of Barcelona, described by the Times' correspondent as occupying the highest place among the cities in Spain for liberality and intelligence, held a meeting in the first week of the present month, at which they resolved to de- mand a change of the Queen's Ministers, a disavowal of the prin- ciple of the despotic manifesto issued soon after the King's death, and the establishment of a liberal system of Government. These resolutions were sent to LLA.NDER, the Captain-General of the province of Catalonia ; who forwarded them, with his own sanc- tion, to Madrid. QUESADA, the Governor of Old Castile, has also made the same demands. It is supposed that many other men of influence have been taking a similar course; and the result is that the Marquis of AMARILLAS has received orders to remodel the Ministry, or to form a new one on Liberal principles. This is the purport of the last intelligence. - There has been some more fighting between the Queen's troops and the insurgents, whose numbers appear rather to increase, but nothing of consequence. MERINO is said to be with Dun CARLOS at Villa Real, in Portugal.