The Swiss Commission on commercial affairs, now assembled at Zurich,
has published a string of resolutions, which we find in the Globe of last night, on the subject of their commerce with fo- reigners. They are conceived in a liberal spirit and rest on sound principles. We extract the first four and most important resolu- tions.
" 1st. The Swiss Confederation shall maintain unaltered the system of free trade and industry it has hitherto observed. " 2d. Under no circumstances, and under no condition, shall it join either the French line of customs or the Prussian customs-uniun (Zollunion), or any other foreign line of customs whatever.
"ad. The Confederation shall, on the other hand, do all it can to promote and effect the application of the principles of free trade. " 4th. The Swiss Confederation shall, as far as possible, negotiate and con- duct with the neighbouring States special conventions, with UK view of dispos- ing of the products of its land and vineyards, and of its cattle, under the fewest possible restrictions ; of obtaining the lice purchase of grain, and of regulating the mutually advantageous and daily traffic of the frontiers and markets."