Rumours of a change of Ministry are current, and credited in some quarters. The Post this morning announced that Earl GKEY resigned yesterday ; and gives its readers to understand, that the Ministry split upon Portuguese affairs—one portion being desirous of sending an army to the u,sistanee of Donna MARIA, and the other protesting against such interference in the internal affairs of a foreign nation. he Tinier and C/1/7,a/c/e tabnit that there are differences of opinioat in the Cabinet relative to the Foreign policy of England at this junc- ture, but utterly deny the truth of the report that there is a probability of a elpinge of Ministers. The Tente.y says that the rumour of Earl Gary's resignation and the breaking up of the ('abinet was traced to the Rink parlour ; anti that the C'onservatives eagerly swallowed it,
is easily understood. The ',turning Herold alludes to the report in its City artirle, but abstains from giving an opinion.
That there has been unusual activity in the movements of Cabinet Ministers this week, is quite certain. Repeated and long conferences have been held ; and on Thursday, Earl Glue, accompanied by Mr. \vent to see the King at Brighton. 'I'hey returned yesterday aftvrnuoil ; and soon afterwards a demi-official notification was given, that, fir the present, Ministers had resolved not to undertake an armed interference in the affairs of Portugal. This was stated in the Courier of last night.