The Volk, Spralley. from Singapore to I ()talon, tins put into the Mauritius leaky, and is diteliarging her cargo inn wry damaged state. Arrived—At Graveventl, Jan. 12th, Dtan•aecr, Sul flt•n. from Ceylon. I4th, Sorry, Kemp; and 1511t, Ladv FevervItam, Ellerlky, from !total. y. At Si. I !elev.'. Dee. IA, And•. Spokes, f Bengal; •ftriovit. Iay an, from M. ttttt tilts ; 2.1, John Taylor. Cram fool. limn Rumbas-. At 111e Cape, Nov. 9th, Madras, Beach, from 1.tuu:on. At • Bombay, `apt. •1 It. II uthlerslield. Noises, from I.,verpool; and fd It, Boyne, Brown, from I.ondon. At Ion, July 29llt, Iris, Maeauood ; and Aug. 17th, Grecian, Smith, from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, Jun. 13th, llobaits, Wake, for Madras: 1411h Dolce of Pox- burgh. Petrie, for Bombay ; I.a Belle Alliance. At koll. for the Cape; and Mary, Ile. ell- croft, for Van Diemen 's land. From Liver's:M. 901, Vesta l• Taylor, fur Van I /teturn's Laud; ham stamp. Young, fur Bombay ; and l2th, Spark:to, Lott:mien, rot Singap. re. From the C ly de, link, Bengal, Ritchie, tor Bengal.