18 JANUARY 1834, Page 8



The reiterated rumours of an interference in the affairs of Portugal, and the fear of a rupture with Russia, have produced a depression in the Money Armlet, and prices generally are much lower than last week. Consols for Account have been to day as low as 59, and the price for money ex dividend has been 87a ; but a rally has since taken place, and the closing price is S9,:. A rumour of a change in the Administration is very current. Whatever may he on the :aids, a considerable degree of mistrust exists amongst capitalists; to which, and to it conserpnint indisposition to investment, joined to the sales of the stock of the Savings Banks, which still continue, the fall in the Funds may be attributed. Money is unusually abundant. Exchequer Bills still maintain their high pre- mium.

In the Foreign Market, the business Las been on a more confined scale than usual ; though the Dutch Stock has given way about 1 per cent. The firm- ness of the markets for Foreign 1!arels abroad still continues ; but a, it is ex- pected that prices will S0011 sympathize with our own, the purchases for the Continent have almost entirely ceased. Some sales of Russian Bonds have been effected to day at MA ; which is about ia per cent. below the highest recent quotation. A disposition to dispose of the Stock seems to he on the increase amongst the holders of this security. Bo aziliazi Bonds are firm at our last quo- tations ; and Belgian Stock maintains its price. The rumoured interference in the affairs of the Peninsula has given an im- petus to the Portuguese Stuck, and an improvement of nearly 2 per cent. in price has been the result. The progress of events in Spain seem to open a prospect for the return of the Constitutionalists to power. Spanish Cortes Bonds have been in demand, and have been quoted as high as :11: they have, however, shire been as low as 2.:3A, and close at sliflji;. The South American Stocks are at last week's prices.


The rumours rs of the resignation of Lord Oars- are still very prevalent, and in the early part of the morning some credit was attached to them. Consols for Account, which, at the pet nod of etinintencing busim ss, were 89a have been as low as 89, and are now 89;11 Ai. A avid from Mexico has arrived at Falmouth, per Sheldrake, which left Vera Cruz on November 8th ; the (military was perfectly tranquil, and the cholera had entirely ceased. By this conveyance 85,660 dollars have arrived, of which 5,000 me on account of the Dividends : about 2 000,000 of dollars were ready for shipment at Vera Cruz, and 01:0,000 at Tampico. It was expected that some part of the dollars by this vessel would be on account of the Real Del Monte Mines. but as that doss not appear to be the case, the shares of that Company have experiential a decline, andare now at 51i. We cannot notice any transactions in Mexican Stock, the price of which is nominally 3$.