18 JANUARY 1834, Page 8
January 16th 1104.—S. W. Lcaeoes-, Esq. V. P. and Treasurer, in the Chair.
The following gentlemen were proposed as candidates fur election—William Charles henry, M.D. Physician to the alatichester Royal Infirmary ; and Ed- ward (Irina 1), Esq. F. S.A. L. S. am.
The 1'0110%611g papers were read—Experimental Researches in Electricity, sixth fillies, by Michael Faraday, Esq. D.C.L. F.R.S. &c.—New Pro-
ferry tif the Ares of the Equilateral hyperbola, by II. F. Talbot, Esq. U.P. .R.S.