The Central Chamber of Agriculture on Monday had an inter-
view-with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to ask for the aboli- tien of the Malt-tax. The speakers used all the well-known arguments, the best of which is that the tax prevents the culti- vation of inferior barley on lands well suited to it; but did not seem to perceive that, as cheap beer might kill the Spirit-duty, beer must be taxed somehow. Nor did Mr. Lowe raise that question, but declared that the public were mistaken in suppos- ing that he would have a large surplus at his command. He did not believe there would be a possibility, of greatly reduce- log. the Malt-tax, which yields at present seven millions a year, and he did not see how to impose any tax in its . stead. He belie-red if he took off the tax to-morrow the benefit would go to the landlord, who would raise rent in the same proportion, and who put forward their tenants to fight a battle not their own. Mr. Lowe's reference to the surplus is a little vague, as no one assigns him seven millions, but we suppose he means that he will have about four, and that two of this will be surrendered according to promise to the Municipalities, who are to have the House,duty, and perhaps the local licenses, dog-tax, carriage-tax, horse-tax, ere