18 JANUARY 1873, Page 22

The Light Green, No. 2. (Cambridge : Metcalfe.)—Here are half-a-

dozen parodies, which, even in this age fertile of good parodies, are worthy of note. The May Queen" is parodied in "The May Exam.," but the original is one which, though it does not lend itself very well to such imitations, has already been burlesqued ad nauseam. And to be quite candid, we resent even now, when nothing is sacred, the ridicule of so sweet a poem. Besides this, "The May Exam." is too technical for general appreciation. Still it is good. Who can resist the ludicrous imitative jingle in the second line of the following cou- plet ?— " With our lardy-dardy garments we were really on the spot' nd Charley Vain came out so grand in a tall white chimney-pot"?

The " ReN'w of a New Play," by the Latter-Day Pooh-Pooh, is a sufficiently ingenloos satire on the flippant and dogmatic criticisms which are sometimes tobe found in a well known contemporary. The reviewer is very hard on "Hamlet, a Tragedy in Five Acts," by Shakespeare Williams. "Mrs. Brown at Cambridge," by Arthur Sketchey, and "Nonsense Verses," by Edward Leary, are quits as good as their originals, but the gem of the whole is, "The Heathen Pass-ee," a "Pass-se," it is explained, being a term applied :— "To one whose vocation is passing

The ordinary B. A. degree.'"

The " heathen " question, Tom Crib by name, has "plots that are dark, and not alwayb in vain.. One of these plots succeeds ; he passes an excellent examinatiot. in Euclid, "the subject he feared," but ;- "He'd P"eed up his sleeve

Mr. Todinimter's excellent Euclid, The same me, intent to deceive."

In a second attempt his fate overtak.e him. Mr. "Bred Hard" shall tell us how :—

“But I Shall not forget,

How the next day at two A stiff paper was set By Examiner II—, On Euripides' tragedy, Macchte,'

A subject Tom 'partially knew.'

"But the knowledge displayed By that heathen Pass-es,

And the answers he made

Were quite frightful to see,

For he rapidly floored the whole paper,

By about twenty minutes to three.

"Then I looked up at IT—, And he geaed upon me, I observed, This won't do,' He replied, 'Goodness me!'

We are fooled by this artful young person, And he sent for that heathen Pass-ee.

"The scene that ensued Was disgraceful to view,

For the floor it was strewed

With a tolerable few Of the 'tips' that Tom Crib had been hiding, For the 'subject he partially knew.'

"On the cuff of his shirt He bad managed to get, 'What we hoped had been dirt, But which proved, I regret, To be notes on the rise of the Drama, A question invariably set.

"In his various coats We proceeded to seek, Where we found sundry notes, And with sorrow I speak, One of Bohn's publications, so useful To the student of Latin or Greek.

"In the crown of his cap Were the Furies and Fates, And a delicate map Of the Dorian States, And we found in his palms, which were hollow, What are frequent in palms,—that is dates."

No one can even hope to beat those last two lines.