18 JANUARY 1919, Page 1


I R. LLOYD GEORGE completed the rearrangement of In, his Ministry on Friday week. He shifted several of

his colleagues from one post another, and replaced the Labour men who had left hire, but the Ministry as a body proved to be much the same as before. Mr. Boner Law, while remaining Leader of the House with the aineoure office of Lord Privy Seal, has resigned the Chancellor- ship of the Exchequer in favour of Mr. Chamberlain. Sir F. E. Smith has succeeded Lord Finlay as Lord Chancellor. Sir Erie Geddes and Mr. Barnes are Ministers without Portfolio. Mr. Balfour retains the Foreign Office, with Mr. Cecil Harmsworth as his Under-Secretary. Mr. Long has been transferred from the Colonial Office to the Admiralty, and Lord Milner from the War Office to the Colonial Office. In Lord Milner's place, we regret to say, Mr. Churchill has been made Secretary for War ; tee has also annexed the Air Ministry, with General Seely as Ms Under-Secretary. The independence of the Royal Air Force 1 as been sacrificed to Mr. Churchill's insatiate ambition.