18 JANUARY 1919, Page 14



Sin,—]fay we beg the hospitality of your oolumne to appeal in particular to the commercial community of this country -011 behalf of the Chevrons Club, which was founded last year under the patronage of His Majesty the King to further the interest of those who have served during the war. an petty officers in the Navy or non-commissioned officers in the Army and Air Force F. The objects of this club are, firstly, to act as home of social intercourse for these gallant men, and secondly, to advance their material interests. Many of them are or will be desirous on their return to civil life of resuming ordinary commercial work, and we urgently appeal to all business men to do everything in their power to find suitable employment for those who have shown by the rank attained in the Army and Navy that their integrity, ability, and resonreefulness are undeniable. It is well known that the nonerommiasioned officers' achievements in this war justify the oft-quoted words, " The backbone of the Army," and surely they are deserving, in the highest degree, of our utmost considevatiqu and- gratitude. If every employe: of labour in a position to do so would under- take to offer situations to one or more petty or non- commissioned officers when they are discharged from the Services, it would- go a long way towards removing the feeling of uncertainty and uneasiness with which these deserving men regard their future. Communications from commercial firms, manufacturers, and others willing to give such undertakings. stating the class of man and experience required, will be weloomed. All partioulars will be registered, and as the men become available their prospective employers will be communi- cated with immediately.

Further, we desire to appeal for funds wherewith to extend the accommodation and the scope of the dub and to establish similar clubs in the principal naval, military, and air centres of the United Kingdom. It is felt that by this means the true spirit of brotherhood which is so essential between the • three Services will be assured. It is therefore proposed to raise a cum of not lees than £150,006, towards which the directors of the London Joint City and Midland Bank have voted 1,000 guineas and of Lloyds Bank 4250, end other sub- scriptions have been received amounting to 46,000. All com- munications in regard to this letter should be addressed to the Honorary -Treasurer, Sir Edward Holden, at 5 Thread- needle Street, E.C. 2.—Signed on behalf of the Committee of

the Chevrons Club, W. R. ROBERTEON, General.

R. E. Wesnas, Admiral.

P. H. Slims, Major-General.

E. IL HOLDEN, Hon. Treasurer.