PRIVATE letters received through Berlin represent the late victory of General Diebitsch as more complete than was at first imagined. Tile army of the Vizier, who had been lulled into a fatal security by fabri- cated accounts of Diebitsch's forces, is described as utterly broken up ; Shumla as outflanked by the Russians (those under Rudiger, we sup- pose); and the latter in full march towards Aidos and Bourgas,* where they would be joined by 10,000 men landed for that purpose at Siseboli. Silistria is expected to fall by the '29th of June, an outwork having been carried .and the besiegers having pushed forward to the ditch. These are, we must observe, Russian accounts, and al- lowance must be made for the exaggerations of a victorious chro- nicler; yet there seems no reason for doubting that the Turkish affairs in Bulgaria are not in so prosperous a condition as their friends would wish. In the mean time, a person named Fenton has, it is said, been sent into Shumla to open a negotiation with the Turkish General; and the opinion is very generally entertained, that the result of :these victories may be a peace more or less permanent between'the contending parties. The Thnes very justly observes, that Russia is now in such a position that she can make peace without dishonour, and to her advantage. She will, indeed, bit follow her ordinary practice, and that of all am- bitious states, if she do. It is probable, in that case, that Giurgevo, Rudschuk, and Silistria, as well as Varna, will be conceded to her. Prussia, according to letters received last night, has appointed an ex- traordinary ambassador to the court of Constantinople, with a view to facilitate a settlement of the pending differences between the Sultan and the Russians on the one side, and the Sultan and the Greeks on the other.
The Emperor Nicholas has been crowned at Warsaw, amidst the shouts of the Poles. Many tyrannous acts, it is said, are exercised in Poland, under shelter of his name ; and hopes are entertained that he will inquire into and put an end to them. He has written a letter of thanks to Diebitsch, who indeed deserves all his favour, and sent him the insignia of the order of St. George of the second class.
The Pope has granted, according to established custom, a general jubilee on the occasion of his accession. The parties who mean to take advantage of this indulgence, must visit the Lateran and Maria Mag- giore twice, on the usual conditions, between the 28th June and 12th July. The Inquisitor-general of Romagna has issued an edict against Heretics, Mahometans, Jews, invokers of the Devil, magicians, necro- mancers, enchanters, diviners, blasphemers of God or the Saints, but especially of the Virgin. They are to be excommunicated and other- wise punished. These things are now but. the dream of a shadow. The Conetitutionnel comments on them with great indignation, but its periods and its passion might have been spared. The inhabitants of Imola have destroyed the Archbishop's palace, and been excommunicated in consequence. Everywhere the church seems to be an object of attack.