Ti-us venerable musical society closed a most successful season On Thursday. Sir JOHN' ROGERS, the President, was in the chair ; Mr. EVANS was the conductor. We subjoin a list of the madrigals which were sung ; and perhaps some of our readers will stare at our opinion, that among them are to be found the finest specimens of vocal writing that exist.
" At sound cf her sweet voice," Quintiani. " Bright Phoebus greets," . Kirbye. " Draw on, sweet night," . TV:abr. " Hard by a crystal fountain," . Morley. " Hark! hear you not," . Bat eson. " Hor ch'ogni vento tace," . Verehi. " Sweet honey-sucking bees," I-Fatle. " 0 that the learned poets," . 0. Gib/Hats. " Qui diligit Mariam," . • StrflYni. " Now springs each plant," - . Os lit / iaiii.
The increasing- prosperity of this society is another and a gratifying proof that there is a growing taste for good music in the metropolis. Some of the meetings of the present year have rivalled the golden days of Queen Bess, when, under the name of ()liana, her praises were sung by the constellation of musical geniuses who adorned leer reign.