Butxrrs.—On the 12th. inst. Lady E. Portman, of a son—On the 9th inst. Lady II. Cholmondeley, of a son and heir—Tin! Ludy of G. C. Norton, Esq. H.P. of a son—On the 12th inst. the Lady of E. Coote, Esq. of West, Park, Hampshire, of a daneluer—On /the 14th inst. the Countess of Cawdor, of a son—On the 15th inst. in Portland-place, the Lady of J. Jones, Esq. of a son and heir—At the Earl of Egreznont's, in Grosvenor- place, the Lady of Col. G. Wyndham, of a daughter.
MAttILIAGKS.—At Berne, Jervoise Clarke Jervoise, Esq. eldest son of the Rev. Sir S. C. Jervoise, Bart. of Idsworth-park, Hants, to Georgiana, youngest daughter of G. N. Thompson, Esq. of Chapel-street, Grosvenor-place—On time 14th inst. at All Souls' Church, Glary-le-bonne, Robert, youngest son of the late G. Sandilands, Esq. of Nut-hill, in the county of Fife, to Mary, youngest (laughter of the lute Sir C. Style, Bart of Wateringbury, Kent—On the 1511; inst. by Monsieur L' Abbe Laporte, Chaplain to his Excellency the French Ambassador, and afterwards at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Monsieur Le Colonel de Bonanny, °dicier de Legion d'Honzieur, et Croix de St. Louis, to Anna, daughter of the late T. Harty, Esq. Kilkenny, and sister to Alder- man Harty, of Dublin— D EATTIS.-011 the 8th inst. after a short illness, Lieutenant-Colonel G. H. Raban, 0.11. of the Hon. E. I. C. S. of Saville-row—On the 29th ult. at Ballyshannou, the Right Rev. Dr. Magauren, Catholic Bishop of Armagh—At Huy, near Liege, on the lot inst. Sir C. Oakeley, Bart.—On the 10th inst. at the Sessions House, Old Bailey, T. Shelton, Esq. aged 74, many years Coroner and Clerk of the Peace for the City of London—At Exeter, W. Newcombe, Esq. aged 71, of the firm of Messrs. Praed, 31ackworth, New- combe, and Fane, bankers, London—Aged 911, Commander R. Sainthill—On the 12th inst. E. Turner, youngest son of Sir 1'. B. V. Broke, Bart.—At Morton, near Gainslio- rough, Sirs. S. Fox, aged ltd—At Rotterdam, on the 10th inst. Catherine Elizabeth, the second daughter of J. Wells, Esq. M.P. of Bickley, in Kent—On the 140; inst. at Celer- ton Hall, in the 73d year of her age, Lady Beaumont, widow of the late Sir G. lIcaninout —At Buckden, in the 59th year of her age, Mrs. Kaye, mother of the Bishop of Lincoln.