18 JULY 1829, Page 14
Oxyostn, July 14—On Saturday, the 11th inst. being the last day of act term, the following degrees were conferred. Doctor in Civil Lam—W. Robinson, Esq. Balliol. Musters of Arts—E. P. Blunt, Scholar of Corpus ; J. E. Pitcher, Oriel ; C. D. Dewar, Balliol. Bachelors of Arts—G. H. S. Johnson, Scholar of Queen's ; J. C. H. Tracy, Oriel.—In the same congregation, the Rev. \V. Kay, M.A. and Fellow of Lincoln College, was nominated a Public Examiner in Disciplinia Mathematicis et Physieis. CAMBRIDGE, July 17.—The Rev. S. M7. Wand, M.A. of Magdalen College, was on Tuesday last elected a foundation Fellow of that society.