As we have a benevolent wish to supply the longings of all our readers, we cannot help submitting the following to Sir JAMES SCARLETT*S serious consideration. It is from a Dublin newspaper, the Star of' Brunswick of Saturday last.
" No—the bravery of Orangemen once maintained-Ireland to the British Throne., Their arms will yet be wanting, and ere long, to preserve her from the usurpation of Rome. They will not be goaded by their enemies to waste their strength or lose their character in factious broils or bootless battles. Their Grand Master—who, in the coup,' elf nature, mod be their King—has now a right to exact their duty as he will hereafter have to command their allegiance."
The Grand Master, who in course of nature must be King, is his Royal Highness the Duke of CUMBERLAND; who has indeed only to survive his Maj,sty, the Duke of CLARENCE, (the one fully four mid the other fully Iwo years older than himself), and the Princess VIC- TORIA, (who is about five-and-fifty years younger), in order to be King both of Orangemen and Catholics.