GARDENS arc entirely out of season in a summer which, to its shame be it said, has not been of a capacity to mature a fly, and has soured all the sweets of the country. Vauxhall Gardens is therefore a vox of false concord with the weather. But nevert heless, having snatched an hour's suspension of rain, we have been here; and can report, that all things, of late. 'accounted proper to the place, continue their,accus- tamed ?mak,. except perhaps the people. There are the lights as usual; the,filatillg transparency; the wickedest band in the world; a burletta, the Yonditions of 'seeing which are not very much more se- vere than the punishment of picketting; and the fireworks, so enjoyed because they indicate the end of the amusements. Vauxhall, as now managed, will not do. The new diversions of the place have destroyed its spirit and character. Instead of the promenade, in mass, people are divided by entertainments, if so they must be called, which only dis- appoint. The folks thus get saddened, and the walks look thin and dull. The proprietors should return to the old system, cast off their theatres, improve their bands, and set the people on their legs again, for the peripatetic philosophy is the genius of the place. As far as our ()nil particular tastes are concerned, we are free to confess that we•should at all times prefer the tread-mill to Vauxhall, society and fatigue con- sidered ; but we write for the benefit of the world. Time place is mainly in favour with the ladies. They sit quietly at home in the morning, and are fearfully fresh for the promenade at night. Men relish it not equally,. after the toil or exercise of the day. The beaux try to prevail on the belles to believe themselves tired, but all in vahr " I'm sure you must be fatiglied"—" Would you not like to sit down?" "Let me order up the carriage ; you are fagged I am certain,"—are the fishing, anxious, and interested interrogatories ; but the ladies deny the least fatigue, and step away, oh how vivaciously! by the side of their flagging and exhausted escorts.