Narrative of a Tour througli Armenia. Kurdistan. Persia, and Mesopotamia. With Observations on the Condition of Mohammedanism and Christianity in those Countries. By the Rev. Horatio Southgate. In 2 vols Tilt. Illoottarnir, Peter Paul Rubens. his Life anti GC111114. Translated from the German of Dr. Waagen. Professor of the Fine Arts and Director of the Royal Gallery of Berlin; Author of " Arts and Artists in England." By Robert Koel, Esq. Edited by Mrs. .litinemin Saunders and Otley. N,vreiutr. Ilts.rour, A I !Mei). a British Birds, indigenous and migratory: including their Organization, Relation,, reniarks on Classification and Nomenelatore; au account td• Ow principal orgahs of Birds, and observations relatk e to Practical Ornithology. Illustrit,..1 by numerals Engravings. Ity William Maegillivniy, A.M.. Rm. Vol. I II.—lielaatoros, Croepers• Seautures, Climbers; Cuctilitur ; Raptores, Plun- derers or Itapae.ons Birds; Excursores, Snatchers; Volittitores, Gliders; Jacula- tures, Itarters. Scott and Co.