gbe Metropolis.
A party of Whigs dined together at Blackwall on Saturday, to cele- brate the Anniversary of the establishment of the Fox Club ; the Duke of Sussex in the chair. The Dukes of Norfolk and Bedford, Lords. Holland, Segrave, Dune:ninon, and Western, were among the company. No speeches are reported; but it is satisfactory to learn that "the feast included turtle, venison, white bait, and a complete course of fish."
The Directors of the East India Company gave a splendid entertain- ment on Saturday last, at the London Tavern, ill honour of Lord Keane. Lord Melbourne, Lord Normanby, and most of the Ministers were present. The speeches were of course very complimentary to land Keane, but the only one which requires particular notice was delivered by Sir John Ilobhouse, The President of the Board of Con- trol, alluding to a remark of Sir Philip Durham on the recent acquisi- tion of territory in India, is reported to have spoken as follows— The gallant officer had alluded to the late addition made to the vast territory of the East India Company,. It was just possihle that that territory had at that moment received a further and impurtant increase. It is just piissible, that since he (Sir John llobbouse) last met the Directors at the li:stive hoard—now about six mouths since—the Government of India has been enabled to make an addition to its territory, the vast consequences of which could scarcely be haw. pined in the wildest dream of jiincy,nod which for centuries would be of advan- tage to the empire. In the history of the world there was lio instance of yearly sovereigns (as the Directors of time Company were) haviii„e conquered so vast a territory as that of India. There was no instance of such successive success. To them the happiness belonged of giving to the vast country under their control the blessing of education. It was owing to God's ministering hand, by which successive directions hail sprung up to spread the benefits of light and knowledge in India, and among a people enshrouded in darkness and idolatry. It Has scarcely a hundred years ago since the power of the East India Company was felt in India ; their banners were now flying from the Indus to the Burrampooter. He would say emphatically, Go on in the great work of extending the religion, civilization, and education of India ; for the wishes of the good are with you: go on in your great work, for the sake of India, am Great Britain itself.
[What can all this mean ? Sir John's is one of the last of the even. ing's speeches, as reported: had the wine circulated freely ?]