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The Earl of Lovelace is to be Lord-Lieutenant of Surry.
Mr. Charles Howard, Private Secretary to Lord Melbourne, is the Whig candidate for East Cumberland. Mr. Head, a banker of Carlisle, and a Mr. Hasell, are talked of as opponents. The election takes place next Monday.
An association of Liberals is about to be formed in Leeds, having for its objects—" I. The extension of' the right of suffrage to all house- holders, as bringing into activity the greatest practicable number of independent voters ; 2. The protection of ballot, as the voters' best security from the undue influence of wealth and power ; 3. The redis- tribution of representation, giving to the electors of all districts repre- sentatives in proportion to their numbers ; 4. The shortening the dura- tion of Parliaments to a period not exceeding three years ; and, 5. The abolition of the property qualification for Members of Parliament." The promoters of this association, in a published address " To the People of Leeds," express their conviction that "time time for another great national movement is fully come," inasmuch as the " narrow basis of suffrage established by the Reform Bill, and the absence of all security to the elector in the free exercise of' his franchise, have enabled the aristocracy, by the systematic and profligate use of an enormous amount of intimidation, bribery, and corruption, to restablish their unconstitus tional and mischievous predominance in the People's House of Parlia- ment."