18 JULY 1840, Page 7


Mr. O'Connell is again in Dublin agitating for Repeal. The title of Chic National Association has been changed to "time Loyal National Association for Repeal of the Union "—the alternative of " Justice to Ireland" having been discarded. Mr. 1:french, a member of the in- fluential family of that name, has joined the Repezders. There are rumours in Dublin that Sir Michael O'Loghlin will suc- ceed the late Mr. \You're as Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and that Mr. O'Connell will be appointed Master of the Rolls. Mr. Henry Chester has taken the Chiltern Hundreds, and retired from the representation of Louth ; and Mr. Somerset Maxwell has announced his intention of' giviug up his seat for Cavan.